Tuesday, April 21, 2020


I don't want you to worry, I'm not in a real jail. It's only Guantanamo Zuckerberg, and it's more of an internet detention than a physical prison, but bad enough for anyone who values free speech. You see, I contribute to a facebook page called Right To Speak [ironic eh?], and dared to post my and others' opinions about the lock downs. Well, facebook have advised the page that such posts should not be published and that they won't be distributing any even if they are because the page's activities have recently contravened their policies. No specific reason was given but adding 2 and 2 from recent warnings in general that any opinion expressing disagreement to the lock down "laws" will be deleted or worse. Here's the notice ......

In a recent interview with George Stephanopoulous, MZ said in relation to criticism of lock downs and any posts that promoted rallies or demonstrations ........

“At the same time, it's important that people can debate policies,” continued Zuckerberg, “so there's a line on this.”  
“But, you know, more than normal political discourse, I think a lot of the stuff that people are saying that is false around a health emergency like this can be classified as harmful misinformation that has a risk of leading to imminent physical danger and we’ll just take that kind of content down,” he added.
Then there was another "normal political discourse" which we indulged in, posting opinions that the virus originated from the Wuhan Labs.

FACEBOOK deleted those posts of ours, claiming that the virus was "natural". And then a doco came out from Epoch Times on the origins of the virus and went viral. Facebook slapped a warning notice over it to claim that it was false and misleading - but later, after many scientists had had their say, the notice was removed. AND THAT WAS FOLLOWED by the revelation that Facebook's fact checker just happened to be a scientists working in the Wuhan Labs [How Embarrassment Effy]!! And it was true.


The team and I who run the page are used to this since this is the 15th time we have been sent to the naughty corner in 8 months. That's close to one week on and one week off to disseminate our views. Personally I'm beginning to think it has become a facebook habit to impose rolling bans on us - and on us in particular because there are plenty of very outspoken, politically incorrect and extreme pages out there which suffer no penalties or restrictions. But there is no defense against the CIA operation or it's front man Zuck, who still hasn't decided what he wants to be when he grows up. Please note you deep state world rulers, that these are my personal views and are divorced from others who contribute to the page for this blog is mine alone. I have had a lot to say about the kiddies in Silly Con Valley who pull these puerile banning stunts that go against their 1st amendment, natural justice and the UN's own Declaration on Freedom Of Speech. And I know they can't reply personally. So, whatever human has taken up our case had to find a way to retaliate, and has retaliated by imposing these rolling restrictions. I can well imagine him or her or zee lolling back in its swivel chair, feet on it's desk, sipping a kale latte and munching on a vegan fish burger, snickering to itself at how it has made us squirm in anguish as it pressed the key to engage the algorithm that censors the page. After which it will go home to its mommy's basement to watch some CIA supplied kiddie snuff while sniffing some of the latest CIA supplied mind altering substance because it hates its own mind. And all the while I shall spare a prayer for its soul. Oh yes, this has gone past the bot's stage, and has become personal for the page is itself innocuous compared to thousands of others - and I have personally invited the retaliation because of my vituperation in both the community page and in my personal page. But hey, what chance has one got when fighting wickedness via a social platform that is itself run by the wicked? Why do I do it? Well, I use the platform because of its reach and its brilliant technology. And I express my opinion because that's supposed to be legitimate and because I'm an old curmudgeon. I would say: "Get over it", but they won't because they have a totally godless agenda to destroy by stealth whatever is good and right according to the natural law derived from the Divine Law.

Oh, look at the time. The above was intended to form an introduction to an article I came across which deals with control over the masses, but I have gone on too long with my personal views to publish something of readable length. So, I will leave the article until my next post.


Okay, I know what some will think about my mention of the CIA. Where does one begin to justify my accusations, and I only ask rhetorically because so much has been published and is accepted about the CIA's activities that I could overload you with references. But I will just supply one article which, oddly enough, I only received an hour ago from Cathy Fox, who is perhaps Britain's best researcher into child abuse and ritual satanic abuse and a lady with whom I have corresponded quite a bit. Her article is really for the fellow researcher, and it's long but with hundred's of hyper links. And Fair WARNING - it is not for the sensitive or the squeamish. Also, understand that it is a little cryptic since Cathy is prone lately to quickly drafting posts before elaborately publishing and this is probably because she has long bouts of illness and wishes to get her material down before she is overcome or incapacitated in any way. God bless her.



I do recognise the necessity of lock downs in some countries, but America and Australia are different cases. For posts and info not disseminated by the MSM globalist propaganda machine, a new web site was begun for the Right to speak page, 7 weeks ago which now has 99 blog posts and 4000 views to date. Additional post can be found on my own blog here at Knightslite.com. Relevant posts can be found by clicking on the label "Covid-19".  https://www.righttospeakout.com/

Monday, April 20, 2020



The following video is only one article to be found in the above link to REVOLUTION TELEVISION. The site is run by Dr. Len Horowitz who I believe is a con man himself. He was previously associated with Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura. They made certain business agreements and all fell out. Horowitz sued Jones but it appears nothing came of it. To me they all appear to be snake oil salesmen who make their money - and big money - from their sites, shows, videos, books and products from the conspiracy industry. This is not to say that all of their theories are bunkum, but patrons can be hard pressed to discern truth from fiction. Further links and bits and pieces will be added when discovered.

Meanwhile, here is the video of the expose of Icke, Jones and Ventura as con artists.

EXTRA LINKS of Interest.....


Wednesday, April 15, 2020



If there is one thing that the corona virus crisis might make parents realize, about their children's education, it's this: how useless and dangerous is the propaganda in public school about the need for radical sex-"education" programs. Sex lessons that include teaching children that boys can be girls and girls can be boys. Give "consent" for sex and everything will be fine. Children are just too young to deal with these kind of explicit content. Topics such as anal sex and gender identity cannot be properly processed by a young mind that has not yet developed the executive function of the brain. This is why much of the content taught under the guise of sex "education" amounts to child abuse.

One would think that the sex activists would have relented somewhat during this corona virus shutdown of public schools. But parents beware because they haven't. The sexual brainwashing continues unabated. Parents be on guard. Comprehensive school sex-programs exploit and grooms children. It doesn't educate them.

Take the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), and don't let the nice sounding name fool anyone: they're actually pushing sex-"education" for homeschooling. One resource asks parents, "Need some homeschool-style sex ed resources? We got you." Children from the ages of 8 to 12 can even watch videos such as "Growing Into You, Virtual Puberty Workshops." The message is clear: don't not let social distancing get in the way of sex-"education." Children must be taught about sex, contraception and abortion services.

Then, there is Amaze (see their video below) that brainwashes children about sexual "rights." Scarletten tells children that all sexual activities are acceptable. And Sex Positive Families will tell children to do what they want sexually just to be "inclusive" and never to shame anyone. And not to be outdone Planned Parenthood allows young people to ask with their online service called Roo any question they want about sex. Instead, during this school closure is the perfect time for parents to make sure that their children are protected from these irresponsible online services.

These sex peddlers lie to children. They tell them that they have sexual "rights." There are human parental rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but nothing about anal-sex or abortion being a "right." These organizations view sex "education" as away to achieve social change. Sex is viewed as relativistic, selfish, mechanical and a pleasure seeking activity. The strategy is Machiavellian. However, it's both unhealthy and abusive to children. It also intentionally contradicts family, moral and Christian values. The sexual revolution has now entered your local public school and your home via the Internet. It's the real virus that parents must stop from infecting their children.

Schools are now closed and parents should make sure that an innocent child's body and soul is protected from this sexual dangerous propaganda coming from Siecus, Amaze and Planned Parenthood and other similar groups. Parents don't let these activists steal your right to direct your child's education at home and when school reopens. Parents, while schools are closed, have a great opportunity to reclaim the right to teach their children about chastity, purity, marriage and responsible sex-education, should children ask any questions.

Monday, April 13, 2020


Track and Trace: COVID-19 Used as Catalyst for Draconian Spying Measures

The willing acceptance by the public to allow big tech to spy on you and divulge your location data to government agencies, health authorities and police agencies around the world is a continuation of the Track and Trace agenda.
By General Maddox.
As the weeks go by in the age of virus hysteria we begin to see more and more ridiculous control measures taking place under the guise of “stopping the spread and flattening the curve”. Each time I venture out into the public to grab the weekly necessities I notice more and more social engineering tactics being deployed. From staff members making the public line up outside of the grocery store and counting the in’s and out’s of customers to plastic “shields” being erected at checkouts or X’s marking the spot on the ground where I am supposed to stand to staff members not allowing customers into pharmacies without a mandatory squirt of hand sanitiser. The hypocrisy and stupidity of it all is mind numbing.
We’re being made to feel like we’re all “patient zero”, carriers of some deadly pathogen that’s responsible for the deaths of thousands worldwide. With the almost weekly advent of more and more control measures being implemented it’s getting to the point where the public at large acquiesces to the demands of the health authorities and complies without question because they’re trained to believe it’s for the greater good of the public.
In the days to come more measures are going to be introduced. More control. Tighter restrictions and now willing acceptance of surveillance of those thought to have a positive diagnosis of COVID-19 or whom have been in close proximity to someone with a positive diagnosis and therefore said to be possibly asymptomatic.
But it doesn’t stop there. Surveillance measures are now being used enforce the abhorrent social distancing rules applied to us. Western Australian police will begin uses drones to spy on the public to spot any potential free-thinkers whom disobey big brother.
As described in a piece via TOTTnews.com:
A team at the University of South Australia is currently designing a “pandemic” drone to detect virus symptoms such as fever and coughing from a distance. Valuable as that is now, this tool could easily be used to intrusively manage the public’s health after the crisis is over.
But it doesn’t stop there. Drones aren’t the only issue with these new Track and Trace measures. Information syphoned from your phones location data is now being handed over to authorities.
More draconian measures being used to enforce social distancing includes what’s deemed ‘Smart Tracking’ which can identify the movement of the public using metadata from your mobile phone which of course we have been acclimated to take with us everywhere. Telecommunications companies are willingly handing over your location data to authorities and we’re being told this will allow them to help clamp down on those disobeying social distancing rules.

See our two previous Track and Trace articles to further understand how deep this mass surveillance goes. 
Track and Trace: The Implementation of Digital Biometrics &
Track and Trace: Full Spectrum Surveillance via Social Media

On Friday April 10th 2020, the two tech giants Apple & Google, in what’s been deemed a rare cooperation, have partnered to help trace the spread of Coronavirus.
The two companies, usually fierce rivals, said they would work together in the coming weeks to build new tools that would enable people and health authorities to track the virus using Bluetooth proximity data from their smartphones.
The most frightening of the tools is to build a tracing system right into the operation systems of the iOS and Android platforms of our smartphones. These would most likely come out in a couple of months hidden away in an innocuous system update.
The way it’s supposed to aid in stopping the spread of this “deadly” coronavirus is that apps on your phone would log Bluetooth signals received by other nearby devices. If someone you came in contact with then tests positive for coronavirus, you would get a notification from a health authority advising you of exposure and demanding self isolation.
This of course means that anyone who tests positive is having ALL of their location data immediately shared from your service provider to the authorities. Talk about Big Brother!
So what’s next?
Perhaps you decide to simply leave your phone at home to avoid these draconian track and trace measures. It seems that in the not-too-distant future this might not matter.
Elon Musk plans to have your brain directly hooked up to computers. And the addition of his 46,000 5G satellites which will be circling the globe 24/7 will allow the connectivity of these brain devices.
Musk founded Neuralink Corp. in July 2016 to create “ultra-high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers.” The company said in 2017 that its initial goal was to devise brain interfaces to alleviate the symptoms of chronic medical conditions.
Musk also went on to say that he will require finding a way for the brain to “merge” with AI, most likely through tiny wireless chips implanted in the brain through a 2-millimeter incision to create what he called “some sort of symbiosis with artificial intelligence,” with a goal of no less than securing “humanity’s future as a civilization relative to AI.” Source.
Will the public soon acquiesce to receive these draconian surveillance measures? Or will it take another pandemic hoax before it’s deemed a necessary action?