Tuesday, August 3, 2021



From HERE 

"The story of Jesus saturates the metanarrative of the Bible, and prophecies of His first advent are found throughout the Old Testament. Allusions to Him also come up in micro ways, as many people and events hint at the work He would accomplish. One scholar, J. Barton Payne, has found as many as 574 verses in the Old Testament that somehow point to or describe or reference the coming Messiah. Alfred Edersheim found 456 Old Testament verses referring to the Messiah or His times. Conservatively, Jesus fulfilled at least 300 prophecies in His earthly ministry.

So, the question of how many prophecies Jesus fulfilled is difficult to answer with precision. Should we count only direct messianic prophecies? Do we count repeated prophecies twice? How about allusions and indirect references to the ministry of Christ? And what about types? A type is a prophetic symbol: a person or thing in the Old Testament that foreshadows a person or thing in the New Testament. So, while Isaiah prophesies the Lord will offer good news for the brokenhearted (Isaiah 61:1), Boaz lives this out, acting as a type of Christ (Ruth 4:1–11).

Below is an attempt to list the types and prophecies given in the Old and New Testaments that Jesus has fulfilled. Undoubtedly, it is not complete. But that’s one of the great things about the Bible—the more you read it, the more you see.

Type: Adam is a type of Christ because both their actions affected a great many people.Genesis 3:17-19
Romans 5:14
Type: Jesus is the fulfillment of the Passover Lamb.Exodus 12:1-11
John 1:29-36
Type: The rock that produced water for Israel points toward Jesus and the living water.Exodus 17:6
John 4:101 Corinthians 10:3-4
Type: The tabernacle where God dwelt among the Israelites is a type of Jesus, God with us.Exodus 25:8Isaiah 7:148:810
Matthew 1:21-23John 1:1414:8-11
Type: The feast of unleavened bread represents the purity of Jesus; Jesus’ burial is like a kernel in the ground, waiting to burst forth in life.Leviticus 23:6
1 Peter 2:22
Type: The feast of first fruits represents Jesus as the first fruit from the dead.Leviticus 23:10
1 Corinthians 15:20
Type: Those who looked up at the snake on a pole were saved. Those who "look up" at Jesus on the cross are saved.Numbers 21:8-9
John 3:14-15
Type: Boaz is a type of Christ the redeemer.Ruth 4:1-11Ezekiel 16:8
Galatians 3:134:5Colossians 1:14
Type: Jonah was in the fish for three days. Jesus’ body was in the grave for three days.Jonah 1:17
Matthew 12:40

The serpent and the "seed" of Eve will have conflict; the offspring of the woman will crush the serpent. Jesus is this seed, and He crushed Satan at the cross.Genesis 3:14-15
Galatians 4:4Hebrews 2:14
God promised Abraham the whole world would be blessed through him. Jesus, descended from Abraham, is that blessing.Genesis 12:3
Acts 3:25-26Matthew 1:1Galatians 3:16
God promised Abraham He would establish an everlasting covenant with Isaac’s offspring. Jesus is that offspring.Genesis 17:19
Matthew 1:1-2
God promised Isaac the whole world would be blessed by his descendent. That descendent is Jesus.Genesis 28:13-14
Matthew 1:1-2Luke 1:333:23-34
Jacob prophesied Judah would rule over his brothers. Jesus the king is from the tribe of Judah.Genesis 49:10
Matthew 1:1-2Luke 1:32-33
The Jews were not to keep the Passover lamb overnight. Jesus was buried the day He died.Exodus 12:10Numbers 9:12
John 19:38-42
The Jews were not to break the bones of the Passover lamb. Jesus’ bones were not broken on the cross.Exodus 12:46Numbers 9:12
John 19:31-36
The Jews were to devote the firstborn males to God. Jesus is Mary’s firstborn male; He is also the "firstborn" over creation and the "firstborn" of the dead.Exodus 13:2Numbers 3:138:17
Luke 2:723Colossians 1:15-18
Moses promised another prophet like him would come. Jesus is that prophet.Deuteronomy 18:1518-19
Matthew 21:11Luke 7:1624:19John 6:147:40
God told the Jews to never leave the body of someone who had been hanged overnight. Jesus was buried the day He died.Deuteronomy 21:23
John 19:31-36Galatians 3:13
The word of God will be in hearts and mouths. Jesus is the Word who is in the hearts of His followers.Deuteronomy 30:14
John 1:1Matthew 26:26
Moses promised God would atone for His people. Jesus’ sacrifice is that atonement.Deuteronomy 32:43
Romans 3:25Hebrews 2:17
God promised David his offspring would rule forever. Jesus is descended from David, although His literal reign has yet to begin.2 Samuel 7:12-131625-261 Chronicles 17:11-1423-27Psalm 89:3-435-37132:11Isaiah 9:7
Matthew 1:619:2821:425:31Mark 12:37Luke 1:323:31
The nations, people, and rulers plot against the Lord and His anointed. The Sanhedrin, the crowd, Herod Antipas, and Pilate plotted against Jesus.Psalm 2:1-2
Matthew 12:1426:3447Luke 23:17
God will tell someone He is their Father. God told the crowd at Jesus’ baptism that He is Jesus’ Father.Psalm 2:7
Matthew 3:1717:5Mark 1:119:7Luke 3:229:35
David believes God will not abandon him to the grave. Jesus rose from the grave.Psalm 16:9-1030:386:13Isaiah 26:19
Luke 24:6-8John 20
David cries out that God has forsaken him. Jesus uses the same words on the cross.Psalm 22:1
Matthew 27:46
David says his enemies mock and insult him. Jesus endured the same on the cross.Psalm 22:7
Matthew 27:38-44
David’s tormentors tease him, telling him to have God rescue him. The people said the same to Jesus.Psalm 22:7
Luke 23:3539
David describes his physical torment. The description matches the condition of someone who is being crucified.Psalm 22:14-15
John 19:28
David says that "dogs" surround him and pierce his hands and feet. Gentile soldiers put nails through Jesus’ hands and feet.Psalm 22:16
John 19:1620:20Acts 2:23
David says that others divide his clothing. The Roman soldiers took Jesus’ clothes.Psalm 22:18
John 19:23-24
David says false witnesses will testify against him. False witnesses did testify against Jesus, although they didn’t have matching stories.Psalm 27:1235:11109:6
Matthew 26:60Mark 14:55-59
David says he commits his spirit to God. Jesus used the same words on the cross.Psalm 31:5
Luke 23:46
God will protect the bones of the righteous. Jesus’ bones were not broken on the cross.Psalm 34:20
John 19:31-36
David talks of being hated without reason. Jesus was hated without reason.Psalm 35:1969:4
John 15:24-25
The psalmist says his friends will abandon him. The disciples abandoned Jesus.Psalm 38:1188:18
Matthew 26:56-58Mark 14:50
David says he has come to do God’s will. Jesus came to do God’s will.Psalm 40:6-8
Matthew 26:3942John 6:38Hebrews 10:5-9
David talks about being betrayed by a friend. Jesus was betrayed by Judas.Psalm 41:955:12-14
Matthew 26:14-1623Mark 14:10-1143
The psalmists say God will rescue them from the land of the dead. God resurrected Jesus.Psalm 49:1586:13
Mark 16:6Luke 24:6-8John 20
The Lord ascends on high, bringing captives with Him. Jesus ascended to heaven, and believers go to heaven.Psalm 68:18
Luke 23:4324:51Acts 1:9
David says he will be rejected by his siblings. Jesus’ brothers refused to believe who He was until after the resurrection.Psalm 69:8
Mark 3:20-2131John 7:3-5
David has "zeal" for God’s house and His honor but will be reproached. Jesus showed that zeal by cleaning out the temple and was questioned by the Sanhedrin members.Psalm 69:9
Mark 11:15-1727-28John 2:13-18Romans 15:3
David talks of being fed gall and vinegar. Jesus was offered gall and vinegar on the cross.Psalm 69:21
Matthew 27:3448Mark 15:23Luke 23:36John 19:29
Solomon asks God for foreign kings to bring him gifts and honor. The magi did so for Jesus.Psalm 72:10-11
Matthew 2:1-11
Solomon tells God that as king he will deliver the needy and weak. Jesus did this.Psalm 72:12-14
Luke 7:22
The psalmist says he will speak in parables. Jesus spoke in parables.Psalm 78:2
Matthew 13:335
God says He will make David His firstborn. Jesus, David’s descendent, is God’s firstborn.Psalm 89:27
Romans 8:29Colossians 1:15
David’s enemies attacked him, but he refrained from responding. Jesus forgave His enemies.Psalm 109:3-5
Matthew 5:44Luke 23:34
David asks that his betrayer’s life be short and his position be taken. Jesus’ betrayer, Judas, died, and Matthias took his place.Psalm 69:25109:7-8
Acts 1:16-20
David says his Lord will be made a priest of Melchizedek. Jesus is a priest of Melchizedek.Psalm 110:4
Hebrews 5:1-66:207:15-17
The psalmist says the stone the builders reject will become the cornerstone. Jesus was rejected by the Jewish leaders, but He is the basis of God’s salvation.Psalm 118:22-23
Matthew 21:42Mark 12:10-11Luke 20:17John 1:11
The Lord will redeem Israel from her sins. Jesus redeemed Israel.Psalm 130:7-8
Matthew 1:21Luke 1:68
God told Ezekiel the people would not understand what He was doing. Jesus used parables to keep casual observers from understanding His teaching.Isaiah 6:9-10
Matthew 13:14-15
God promised that a virgin would conceive. Mary was a virgin when Jesus was conceived.Isaiah 7:14
Luke 1:26-35
God promised to send a Son who would be "God with us" ("Emmanuel"). Jesus is that Son.Isaiah 7:148:810
Matthew 1:21-23John 1:1414:8-11
God promised a "stone" that people would trip over. Jesus is that stone.Isaiah 8:14-15
Matthew 21:42-44Romans 9:32-33
God promised the land of Zebulun and Naphtali and "Galilee of the nations" a light for their darkness. Jesus is that light; at the time of Jesus, Galilee was a mix of Jews and Gentiles.Isaiah 9:1-2
Matthew 4:12-16
God promised David His Spirit would rest on his offspring. Jesus is that offspring.Isaiah 11:1-2
Matthew 1:163:16Mark 1:10
Gentiles will come to God. A centurion and a Syrophoenician woman came to Jesus; the Gentiles in Pisidian Antioch responded to Paul’s gospel message.Isaiah 11:1042:155:4-5Hosea 2:23
Matthew 8:5-13Mark 7:24-26Acts 13:48
God promised a time when the blind would see. Jesus healed the blind.Isaiah 29:1835:5
Matthew 9:3011:512:2220:3421:14Mark 10:52
God promised a time when the deaf hear. Jesus healed the deaf.Isaiah 35:5
Matthew 11:5Mark 7:31-379:25
God promised a time when the lame would be healed. Jesus healed the lame.Isaiah 35:6
Matthew 15:30-3121:14
God promised a time when the mute would speak. Jesus healed the mute.Isaiah 35:6
Matthew 9:3312:2215:30Luke 11:14
God promised a messenger who would announce the Lord’s coming. John the Baptist is that messenger.Isaiah 40:3-5Malachi 3:1
Matthew 3:311:10Mark 1:3Luke 3:4-6
God is the shepherd who tends His sheep. Jesus is the good shepherd.Isaiah 40:10-11
John 10:11
God promised to put His Spirit on His servant. Jesus is that servant.Isaiah 42:1
Matthew 3:1612:18Mark 1:10
God’s servant will not cry out. Jesus told those He healed to remain quiet.Isaiah 42:2
Matthew 12:19
God’s servant will be gentle. Jesus treated people gently.Isaiah 42:3
Matthew 11:2912:20
The nations will put their hope in God’s servant’s teaching. Nations put their hope in Jesus’ teachings.Isaiah 42:4
Matthew 12:21
God will send His servant as a light to the Gentiles. Jesus is a light to the Gentiles.Isaiah 42:649:6
Luke 2:25-32
The writer says he will not be rebellious or turn away. Jesus obeyed God all the way to the cross.Isaiah 50:5
Matthew 26:39
Isaiah speaks of one who will be beaten and spit upon. Jesus was beaten and spit upon.Isaiah 50:6
Matthew 26:6727:26-30
The Suffering Servant will be so abused He will not look human. Jesus was beaten, whipped, crucified, and pierced by a spear.Isaiah 52:14
Matthew 26:6727:26-3035
The Suffering Servant will be despised and rejected by His own people. Jesus’ tormentors rejected Him and spit in His face.Isaiah 53:3
Luke 23:18Matthew 26:67John 1:11
The Suffering Servant will bear the abuse we deserve for our physical and spiritual healing. Jesus did this.Isaiah 53:4-5
Matthew 8:17Romans 5:6-81 Corinthians 15:3
The Suffering Servant will bear our sins. Jesus bore our sins.Isaiah 53:6812
Romans 4:251 Peter 2:24-25
The Suffering Servant is like a lamb that does not defend itself. Although Jesus spoke during His trials, He never offered a defense.Isaiah 53:7
Matthew 27:12Luke 23:9John 1:29-36
The Suffering Servant’s people did not protest His death. Only Pilate protested Jesus’ death.Isaiah 53:8
Matthew 27:23-25
The Suffering Servant will die with the wicked. Jesus died with the two thieves.Isaiah 53:912
Matthew 27:38Mark 15:27
The Suffering Servant will be buried in the grave of a rich man. Jesus was buried in the grave of Joseph of Arimathea.Isaiah 53:9
Matthew 27:57-60
God ordained that the Suffering Servant would suffer and die. God sent Jesus to die.Isaiah 53:10
John 3:1619:11Acts 2:23Philippians 2:8
The Suffering Servant’s sacrifice offers forgiveness of sins. Jesus’ sacrifice offers forgiveness of our sins.Isaiah 53:11
Acts 10:4313:38-39
The Suffering Servant will intercede for His abusers. Jesus asked God to forgive those who crucified Him.Isaiah 53:12
Luke 23:34
God promises a great light to pierce the darkness of Israel and the nations. Jesus is that light.Isaiah 60:1-3
Matthew 4:16Luke 2:32John 12:46
God promises someone to declare good news for the brokenhearted, captives, and prisoners. Jesus is that someone.Isaiah 61:1
Matthew 3:16Luke 4:18
God promises a "righteous Branch" from the line of Jesse who will do what is just. Jesus is that Branch.Jeremiah 23:5-633:15-16
Romans 3:221 Corinthians 1:30
A woman will weep for her dead children. Herod killed the baby boys in Bethlehem.Jeremiah 31:15
Matthew 2:16-18
God makes a woman "encircle" or protect a man. The Holy Spirit conceived Jesus in Mary.Jeremiah 31:22
Matthew 1:20Luke 1:35
God promises a new covenant. Jesus provides the work for that new covenant.Jeremiah 31:31-34 ; 32:37-40; 50:5
Matthew 26:27-29Mark 14:22-24Luke 22:15-20
"David" will return as his people’s shepherd. Jesus is that shepherd.Ezekiel 34:23-2437:24
John 10:11
Gabriel tells Daniel when the "Anointed One" will be "cut off." This is the exact time Jesus is crucified.Daniel 9:24-26
Matthew 27:50
God will call His "child" from Egypt. Jesus returned from Egypt when He was young.Hosea 11:1
Matthew 2:13-15
Israel’s ruler will be struck on the cheek with a rod. Jesus was struck on the head with a staff.Micah 5:1
Matthew 27:30
The ruler of Israel will come from Bethlehem. Jesus was born in Bethlehem.Micah 5:2
Luke 2:4-7
God will live among His people. Jesus lived among the Jews.Zechariah 2:10
John 1:14
The Branch will be a priest in the temple. Jesus is a priest in the order of Melchizedek.Zechariah 6:12-13
Hebrews 7:11-288:1-2
Israel’s king will ride a donkey. Jesus came into Jerusalem riding a donkey.Zechariah 9:9
Mark 11:1-10
God told Zechariah to take the thirty pieces of silver he earned and throw it to the potter. Judas took thirty pieces of silver and returned it to the priests who used it to buy the potter’s field.Zechariah 11:12-13
Matthew 26:14-1527:36-10
If someone strikes the shepherd, the sheep will scatter. When Jesus was arrested, His disciples fled.Zechariah 13:6-7
Matthew 26:56Mark 14:50
The Lord will come to the temple and refine the silver and the priests. Jesus came to the temple and threw out the money changers.Malachi 3:1-3
Matthew 21:12Mark 11:15-19John 2:13-16
The sun of righteousness will come. Jesus is that sun.Malachi 4:2
Luke 1:78
Elijah will return. John the Baptist fulfills the role of Elijah.Malachi 4:5
Matthew 11:13-14Mark 9:11-13Luke 1:177:27-28
Jesus said He will suffer and die. Before the crucifixion, both the priests' guards and the Roman soldiers beat Jesus.Matthew 16:21Mark 8:31
Luke 22:63-65Mark 14:536515:33-37John 19:1
Jesus said He will be handed over on the Passover. He was handed over at night, after Galileans celebrated the Passover but before Judeans do.Matthew 26:2
John 19:14-16
Jesus said one of His disciples will betray Him. Judas betrayed Him.Matthew 26:21-22
Luke 22:47-48
Jesus said the disciples will scatter. They did at His arrest.Matthew 26:31Mark 14:27
Matthew 26:56Mark 14:50
Jesus said Peter will deny Him. Peter did so at the trial before Caiaphas.Matthew 26:33-34
Matthew 26:69-75
Jesus said He will be handed over, killed, and rise again on the third day.Mark 9:30-3110:32-34
John 18-20
Jesus said He will be delivered to the chief priests and scribes, killed, and rise again three days later.Mark 10:32-34
John 18-20
Simeon said Jesus will cause many hearts to be revealed. The Sanhedrin was revealed to be jealous.Luke 2:35
Matthew 27:18
Simeon told Mary her soul will be pierced because of Jesus. She witnessed the crucifixion.Luke 2:35
John 19:25-27
Jesus said He will rebuild the "temple" (His body) after three days. He rose from the dead after three days.John 2:18-22
Acts 10:401 Corinthians 15:4




".Conservative counts say that Jesus fulfilled over 300 specific predictions during his earthly life, death and resurrection. Below are featured 100 of these — including when they happened, and where in the Bible they were predicted and fulfilled.

Of course, some of these predictions are ‘spiritual’ in nature, for example that Jesus would be ‘God-with-us’. Granted: prophecies like these must be accepted (or rejected) as a matter of faith. But the majority of the predictions below are about measurable realities in Jesus’ life — like the fact that he was born into a poor family; in the town of Bethlehem; to a particular tribe of Israel; and so on. They are historically verifiable.

We know His Son’s name! It is Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus the Christ, Jesus the Son of God. He alone fulfilled this breathtaking list of Messianic prophecies:

Predicted in Genesis 3:15 (c. 1425 BC)
#1 | He would be a descendant of Eve; a human being
#2 | His descent would be reckoned from woman not man
#3 | He would defeat Satan
Fulfilled: Luke 1:31Luke 3:23-38Hebrews 2:14

Predicted in Genesis 22:18 (c.1425 BC)
#4 | He would be a descendant of Abraham
Fulfilled: Matthew 1:1-17

Predicted in Genesis 49:10 (c.1425 BC)
#5 | He would come from the tribe of Judah
#6 | He would come before the right to rule departed from the tribe of Judah (c.6-7AD)
#7 | He would be a king
Fulfilled: Matthew 1:1-17Matthew 27:37John 12:13; Josephus Antiquities 17:13

Predicted in Numbers 24:15-19 (1405 BC)
#8 | His arrival would be accompanied with a star
#9 | He would come from the nation of Israel
Fulfilled: Matthew 2:29Matthew 1:1-17Matthew 27:37John 12:13

Predicted in Deuteronomy 18:15-19 (1405 BC)
#10 | He would be a prophet like Moses
#11 | He would speak the words of God to Israel
Fulfilled: John 6:14John 12:49

Predicted in 1 Chronicles 17:10b-14 (c. 450 BC)
#12 | He would be a descendant of David
#13 | He would live eternally
Fulfilled: Matthew 1:1-17Matthew 27:37John 12:13John 1:34John 8:58John 20:28

Predicted in Psalm 16:1-11 (c. 1000 BC)
#14 | He would have a unique relationship with God
#15 | He would go to the grave
#16 | His body would not undergo corruption, i.e. He would be raised back to life
Fulfilled: Matthew 11:27John 17:1-26Luke 23:46John 19:30Mark 16:6

Predicted in Psalm 22:1-31 (c. 1000 BC)
#17 | He would be forsaken by God during a time of great suffering
#18 | He would be reproached and despised by Israel
#19 | He would be mocked and told, “Let the LORD deliver Him, because He delights in Him”
#20 | He would be surrounded by enemies
#21 | He would be poured out like water
#22 | His bones would be pulled out of joint
#23 | His heart would rupture
#24 | He would suffer great thirst
#25 | His hands and feet would be pierced
#26 | His bones would be exposed and become visible
#27 | He would be stared at and looked upon by His enemies
#28 | His enemies would divide His clothing and gamble for it
Fulfilled: Matthew 27:46Mark 15:29-32Matthew 27:43Matthew 27:27-44Matthew 27:45-50Luke 23:33John 19:34John 19:28Luke 23:33Matthew 27:26Luke 23:35John 19:23-24

Predicted in Psalm 69:6-21 (c. 1000 BC)
#29 | He would be a stranger to His brothers
#30 | He would be zealous for God’s house (the Temple)
#31 | He would be reproached, shamed and dishonoured
#32 | He would be given gall and vinegar to drink
Fulfilled: John 7:5John 2:13-17Matthew 27:29-3139-44Matthew 27:30John 19:29

Predicted in Psalm 80:17 (c. 1000 BC)
#33 | He would be at God’s right hand, i.e. He would be equal with God
#34 | He would be called the Son of Man
Fulfilled: John 5:17-18Matthew 8:20

Predicted in Psalm 110:1-7 (c. 1000 BC)
#35 | He would be rejected and have undefeated enemies for a time
#36 | He would ascend to God’s right hand, i.e. He would be equal with God
#37 | He would be a priest according to the order of Melchizedek
#38 | His priesthood would endure forever
Fulfilled: Mark 3:22-301 Corinthians 15:25Mark 16:19Matthew 27:37John 12:13Hebrews 5:9-10John 8:58John 20:28

Predicted in Proverbs 30:4 (c. 950 BC)
#39 | He would be the unique Son of God
#40 | He would have a name that was previously unknown
Fulfilled: John 1:34Matthew 16:20

Predicted in Isaiah 7:14-15 (c. 712 BC)
#41 | He would be born of a virgin
#42 | His name would be Immanuel or ‘God-with-us’
#43 | He would live a poor life
Fulfilled: Matthew 1:18-22Matthew 1:23John 8:58Luke 2:22-24Matthew 8:20

Predicted in Isaiah 9:1-7 (c. 712 BC)
#44 | He would minister in the regions of Zebulun and Naphtali in Galilee
#45 | He would be a man
#46 | His name would be ‘Mighty God’ and ‘the Father of Eternity’
Fulfilled: Matthew 4:12-161 Timothy 2:5John 8:58John 20:28Matthew 27:37John 12:13

Predicted in Isaiah 11:1-2 (c. 712 BC)
#47 | He would be a descendant of David
#48 | He would come at a time when the House of David would be in a state of poverty
#49 | He would be fully anointed by the Holy Spirit
Fulfilled: Matthew 1:1-17Luke 2:22-24Matthew 3:16Acts 2:33

Predicted in Isaiah 40:3-5 (c. 712 BC)
#50 | He would have a forerunner to announce and prepare for His arrival
#51 | He would be called ‘the LORD’
Fulfilled: Matthew 3:1-6John 8:58John 20:28

Predicted in Isaiah 42:1-6 (c. 712 BC)
#52 | He would be God’s chosen Servant
#53 | He would be God’s delight
#54 | He would have the Holy Spirit
#55 | He would not preach in the street like other prophets
#56 | He would be tender and gentle in character
#57 | He would be a light to the Gentile nations
Fulfilled: Luke 23:35John 17:24Matthew 3:16Acts 2:33Matthew 9:35Matthew 11:28-30Acts 13:46-48

Predicted in Isaiah 49:1-13 (c. 712 BC)
#58 | He would be God’s chosen Servant
#59 | He would be despised and rejected by Israel
#60 | He would be accepted and worshipped by the Gentile nations
Fulfilled: Luke 23:35Mark 3:22-30Acts 13:46-48

Predicted in Isaiah 50:4-9 (c. 712 BC)
#61 | He would be awoken daily by God and discipled by Him
#62 | He would be struck, humiliated and spat on, and have His beard plucked out
#63 | He would obediently submit to these sufferings despite His innocence
Fulfilled: Luke 5:16Matthew 27:26-31John 10:18

Predicted in Isaiah 52:13–53:12 (c. 712 BC)
#64 | His appearance would be disfigured beyond that of any other man
#65 | He would have a normal life and nothing unusual would draw people to Him
#66 | He would be despised, rejected, and acquainted with grief
#67 | He would be considered by others to be cursed and rejected by God
#68 | He would be wounded and bruised to atone for the sin of others
#69 | He would be silent before His accusers, not pleading His innocence
#70 | He would be oppressed, judged and lead away
#71 | He would be put to death
#72 | He would be buried with the rich
#73 | He would see His seed and prolong His days, i.e. be raised from the dead
#74 | He would justify many
#75 | He would submit to these things willingly
#76 | He would be numbered among evil men
#77 | He would intercede for sinners
Fulfilled: Matthew 27:26-31Matthew 13:54-58John 18:12-19:30Matthew 27:39-44; Hebrew 2:17; 1 John 2:2Matthew 27:12John 18:1-19:16John 19:17-18Matthew 27:57-60Mark 16:6Acts 13:38-39John 10:18Mark 15:27-28Romans 8:34Hebrews 7:25

Predicted in Isaiah 61:1-3 (c. 712 BC)
#78 | He would be anointed with the Holy Spirit
#79 | He would bring good news to the afflicted and proclaim God’s favour
Fulfilled: Matthew 3:16Acts 2:33Matthew 11:4-5Luke 4:16-21

Predicted in Jeremiah 23:5-6 (c. 570 BC)
#80 | He would be a descendant of David
#81 | He would do justice and righteousness in Israel
#82 | He would be called ‘the LORD our righteousness’
Fulfilled: Matthew 1:1-17Luke 24:19John 8:58John 20:28

Predicted in Daniel 9:24-27 (536 BC)
#83 | He would arrive 483 years after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem would be issued
#84 | He would be legally executed
#85 | His death would be followed by Jerusalem’s destruction and the dispersion of Israel
Fulfilled: Matthew 27:37John 12:13Luke 19:41-44John 19:17-18Luke 19:41-44

Predicted in Micah 5:2 (710 BC)
#86 | He would go forth from Bethlehem, the city of David
#87 | His goings forth would be from the days of eternity
Fulfilled: Matthew 2:1-6Luke 2:1-7John 8:58John 20:28

Predicted in Zechariah 9:9-10 (487 BC)
#88 | He would be just and having salvation
#89 | He would come in humility, unlike a normal king
#90 | He would come to Jerusalem riding an unbroken donkey
Fulfilled: Acts 4:12Matthew 27:37John 12:13Matthew 11:28-30Matthew 21:1-11

Predicted in Zechariah 11:1-17 (487 BC)
#91 | He would come to shepherd Israel
#92 | He would be rejected by Israel, except for a believing remnant
#93 | He would be sold for thirty pieces of silver
#94 | His betrayer would throw that silver to a potter in the Temple
Fulfilled: Matthew 23:37John 10:11Luke 19:41-42Romans 11:25Matthew 26:14-16Matthew 27:3-10

Predicted in Zechariah 12:10 (487 BC)
#95 | He would be recognised by Israel only much later, after first being rejected
#96 | He would be pierced
#97 | He who is pierced would be God
Fulfilled: Romans 11:25-27John 19:31-37John 8:58John 20:28

Predicted in Zechariah 13:7 (487 BC)
#98 | His suffering would lead to the scattering and dispersion of Israel
Fulfilled: Luke 19:41-44

Predicted in Malachi 3:1 (c. 430 BC)
#99 | He would be preceded by a forerunner
#100 | He would come suddenly to His Temple
Fulfilled: Matthew 3:1-6Matthew 21:12

Source: https://blog.canberradeclaration.org.au/2021/08/03/100-fulfilled-prophecies-showing-jesus-is-the-messiah/?fbclid=IwAR2difISyKLpq768lok38WfUzoT4GKrIT1Zi0HLSNBNmxBhRJf8BshMfIu8 

Thursday, July 29, 2021




The front praecipitium, the tergo lupi.

For FratresInUnum.com, July 29, 2021 – The end of every law is the common good. Absent such a principle, there is no law, but only a simulacrum. As we have already abundantly demonstrated in our previous analyses of "Traditionis Custodes", this is your case. The pontifical authority is committed to a pure and simple act of violence, of aggression to the ecclesial body, and therefore can and must be resisted.

Cardeal João Braz de Avis, o representante brasileiro no consistório de hoje.

Cardinal João Braz de Avis.

Article 6 of the document states that "institutes of consecrated life and societies of apostolic life, in their time erected by the Pontifical Ecclesia Dei Commission, are the responsibility of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life".

Such an act is but the decree of a death penalty for traditionalist Congregations. Which, by the way, comes in handy with the whole content of Motu Proprio. If traditional groups need to be restricted until they disappear, what will seminaries be founded in order to continue teaching the ancient liturgy? Nothing more coherent than extinguishing them altogether.

However, Bergoglio is not a man of words, but of actions. He would never declare such a thing, prefer to act without saying it or, which is even better, act without acting, letting another get his hands dirty in his place: in this case, the eminent Prefect of the Congregation, none other than the Brazilian Cardinal João Braz de Aviz.

To whom is Francis delivering the traditionalist institutes?

To the one who said in an interview:

"We are working hard to transform training. We must think of formation from the womb to the last breath [...]. Everything counts in training, it cannot be said that one thing is training and the other is not [...] it is necessary to change a lot [...] Many things of tradition, many of which belong to the culture of a past time, no longer work. [...] We have life forms that are linked to our founders but are not essential. A certain way of praying, a certain way of dressing, giving more importance to certain things that are not so important and giving little to others that are important. This global view of the whole, we didn't have it before, but now we do."

Don João Braz de Aviz does not tolerate anything from other times, relentlessly eliminating even his white hair.

Many congregations were commatose in the time of Braz de Aviz. For example, the Little Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, had an intervention in which it was said that they would not touch their charism, but only in the way and live it. The sisters were criticized for praying too much (sic!). The result: almost all of them flocked to the institute.

The Secretary of the Congregation, Mons. Carballo said in an interview that "for consecrated men, the Council (Vatican II) is a point that cannot be negotiated. And he said that those who seek in the reforms of Vatican II all the evils of religious life 'deny the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Church'. He explained that in the Congregation for Consecrated Life they are 'especially concerned' about this theme: we are seeing real deviations. Especially because 'not a few institutes give not only pre-conciliar formation, but also anti-conciliar formation. That's not admissible, it's putting it out of history. It is something that concerns us a lot in the Congregation.'"

It was precisely this Congregation that mercifully commissiou the Franciscans of the Immaculate, accusing them of "praying in Latin, living poverty, not adhering to 'gender theology' (whatever it is) and for making a vow to Our Lady". The result of the commisariation was the deupation of the Congregation, with the expulsion of the founder and his isolation in a forced cloister, and the dissipation of its members, so that the shining Institute practically ended.

In a later interview, Cardinal Aviz summarized the problem of the Franciscans of the Immaculate: "The problem is the 'denial of the Council' hidden behind the 'reference to the extraordinary rite'".

These are just two examples of many others that could be made.

Recently, Cardinal Braz de Aviz said that "the following of Christ is our supreme rule. Today we were with the Holy Father, and the Pope is concerned by some traditionalist positions, also within religious life." According to him, in an interview with Veja Magazine, the Pope would have confided to him: "I ask God for the grace to live long enough for reforms in the Church to be irreversible."

Oh, Francisco! Oh, Francisco! The Church is not yours, but His!

In short, Art. 6 not only means a change of competence, but is a very clear death sentence for the Institutes that were linked to the Ecclesia Dei Commission. The reasons for commisarias and deletions will meet later, are just excuses to be invented. The fact is that the good of such institutes is not intended. Francis realizes his perfect cornering, according to the ancient Latin adage: "from the front, the precipice, from behind, the wolves" – "the praecipitium fountain, the lupi tergo".

SOURCE: https://fratresinunum.com/2021/07/29/a-fronte-praecipitium-a-tergo-lupi/

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