Tuesday, April 27, 2021




MAY 29, 2019

5 Messages from Marian Apparitions and Their Meaning

Nicholas LaBanca

One of the four marks of the Church is that it is universal, or catholic. We can see this mark of the Church in many different manifestations. Perhaps the most beautiful of these would pertain to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Catholics regard Mary as the Queen of all saints. She intercedes for the Church Militant in a very special way before the throne of her son, Jesus Christ. It was appropriate, therefore, when Pope Francis recently extended the feast of Mary, Mother of the Church to the Roman Catholic general calendar. As Cardinal Robert Sarah put it in the decree establishing the feast last year:

“Mary is the mother of the members of Christ, because with charity she cooperated in the rebirth of the faithful into the Church, [and] the birth of the Head is also the birth of the body, thus indicating that Mary is at once Mother of Christ, the Son of God, and mother of the members of his Mystical Body, which is the Church.”

As she is the mother of the whole Church, we see over the course of history how she desires to communicate with her children, always at our Lord’s direction. She has appeared in nearly every corner of the globe, from Portugal to Japan, from Wisconsin to Egypt. We looked at a few of these apparitions before, and today we’ll look at five others. Some of them you have probably heard of, while others may have flown under your radar. With there literally being a feast of at least one Marian apparition for every day of the year, it’s understandable if you have missed a few!

Here we will take a look at the specific messages that Our Lady gave during these five particular apparitions. All five of these have been approved by the Holy See and/or the local bishop. In other words, each of these titles of Our Lady are most worthy of our veneration. As Christians, we should strongly consider these messages she has given to us.

1. Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

While many Catholics wear the brown scapular or a crucifix around their necks, another popular sacramental that has been in use for almost two hundred years is the Miraculous Medal. In 1830, the Mother of God appeared to a twenty-four year old woman. Her name was St. Catherine Labouré. She had recently joined the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul at their mother house in Rue du Bacin, Paris. On the eve of St. Vincent de Paul’s feast day, July 18, a child—shining with a dazzling light—awoke her and told her that Our Lady was in the chapel awaiting her.

When St. Catherine arrived in the chapel, she heard the rustling of a silk dress. She looked to see the Virgin Mary near the altar. St. Catherine immediately leapt to her side and rested her hands on Our Lady’s knees. The two of them spoke for over two hours. She later recounted that:

“There, a period of time passed, the sweetest of my life.  It would be impossible for me to say what I experienced.”

Our Lady would appear to St. Catherine on two more occasions, and during these apparitions, she made it clear that she desired to dispense many graces upon the faithful, only if they might ask. Our Lady would appear at one point with beams of light coming forth from gems on the ring which she wore on her finger. However, some of the gem did not glow. The message Our Lady gave to St. Catherine was this:

“These rays symbolize the graces I shed upon those who ask for them. The gems from which rays do not fall are the graces for which souls forget to ask.”

How important, then, it is to pray for the intercession of our Blessed Mother! After this, the image we see on the Miraculous Medal appeared, with Our Lady telling St. Catherine to have the medal struck as soon as possible. She promised:

“All who wear it will receive great graces; they should wear it around the neck. Graces will abound for persons who wear it with confidence.”

To this day, graces abound for those that have received this precious medal as their own.

2. Our Lady of Gietrzwald

When we think of Our Lady and the Rosary, we might first think of what Our Lady said at Fatima. It was there that she asked the faithful to pray the Rosary each day. About forty years prior to this, though, Our Lady had given a very similar message in Poland. Just as she had visited three young children at Fatima, the Blessed Virgin Mary also visited two young girls over a three month period in the village of Gietrzwald in the year 1877. This is the only apparition in Poland that the Holy See has approved. It’s often overshadowed by the more popular apparitions that took place at Lourdes and Fatima. But the message, like the ones received at those locations, is also very important.

In June of that year, Justyna Szafryńska, who was thirteen, and Barbara Samulowska, who was twelve, were busy preparing for their first Holy Communion. On separate occasions, a woman with long hair greeted them under a maple tree “sitting on a golden throne decorated with pearls”. The Infant Jesus sat on her knee as he held a golden globe on his lap. When they asked the woman who she was, she simply responded by saying:

“I am the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Immaculate Conception.”

This is very similar to what Our Lady said at Lourdes just a few decades before. The two girls, who were rightfully very inquisitive, also asked what she desired.

Again, Our Lady gave a simple, yet very meaningful answer:

“I wish you to pray the Rosary every day.”

Again, the parallels to another apparition, at Fatima, are very clear. Once the girls spoke with their parish priest, the response to the messages became widespread throughout the villages and the surrounding area, with many people beginning to recite the Rosary regularly. Those availing themselves of the sacraments also increased immediately following the apparitions. Pope St. John Paul II canonically approved the apparitions in 1977. The Church now celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Gietrzwald each year on June 27.

3. Our Lady of Lourdes

As we saw with the Marian apparition above, Our Lady of Lourdes also drew particular attention to the dogma of Mary’s Immaculate Conception. And like the above apparition as well, this famous event also provided the faithful with a very powerful message, delivered to a poor, village girl. That young woman was St. Bernadette Soubirous, and she first encountered our Lady on February 11, 1858 at the tiny Grotto of Massabielle in the Pyrenees mountain region of France. The first few times the Blessed Virgin appeared to her, she said nothing. Finally, St. Bernadette asked her to proclaim what she wanted so she could write it down. According to Butler’s Lives of the Saints, Our Lady smiled and answered:

“There is no need to write what I have to say. Will you do me the kindness to come here every day for a fortnight?”  

St. Bernadette obliged. Soon crowds began to gather with her each time she fell into a trance as Our Lady appeared to her. She soon told the young saint to go to the spring which would eventually become a place of pilgrimage, and to drink and wash in it. While it was only a trickle at first, by the next week the spring was pouring forth thousands of gallons of water. Over the next several weeks, Our Lady would give St. Bernadette many messages, some that were between only the two of them, and others which she shared with all. Among those messages were calls for conversion. At one point, Our Lady told her:

“Penance, penance, penance. Pray for sinners.”

This is reminiscent of what was also said at Fatima, where Our Lady specifically asked for reparation of sins committed by people throughout the world. The conversion of sinners is something that should always be at the forefront of our minds, first starting with our own conversion. Another pertinent message that Our Lady gave here was this:

“I do not promise to make you happy in this world but in the other.”

This is the cost for following our Lord Jesus. He told us that we must carry our crosses in order to follow him. This entails suffering, but we know that even if we don’t experience happiness in this world, we will experience great happiness in the heavenly kingdom with our Lord and all the saints for eternity. The Church commemorates the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes each year on February 11.

4. Our Lady of Good Success

With this particular apparition, we go back a little bit in time. In Quito, Ecuador, a Conceptionist Sister, Venerable Mariana de Jesus Torres, received several apparitions of Our Lady over the course of four decades beginning in 1594. Space will not permit us to go deep into the messages given to Sister Mariana, but suffice it to say that Our Lady’s words were very prophetic. Our Lady predicted many events of the nineteenth and twentieth century, from local happenings in Ecuador to Blessed Pope Pius IX’s declaration of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception and his subsequent “captivity” following the Capture of Rome in 1870.

The Virgin Mary warned of a corruption of morals in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and as we have just lived through this era, we can attest to the veracity of her predictions. What our Lady seemed to be very concerned with, however, were priests. She warned of much corruption and made requests of Sister Marianna which we as Christians in the twenty-first century should heed as well:

“The secular clergy [priests that do not belong to a religious or monastic order] will fall far short of what is expected of them because they will not pursue their sacred duty. Losing the divine compass, they will stray from the way of priestly ministry mapped out for them by God… Pray constantly, implore tirelessly, and weep bitter tears in the seclusion of your heart, beseeching the Eucharistic Heart of my most holy Son to take pity on His ministers.”

Are we praying for our priests? We know that our battle in this world is not “against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers… the spiritual hosts of wickedness” (Ephesians 6:12). The evil one wants nothing more than to tear down the priesthood, and in some quarters he has done a good job of it. We must continue to fervently pray for our priests.

Shortly before Sister Marianna’s death, Our Lady spoke these most sobering words to her:

“If mortals only understood how to appreciate the time given to them and would take advantage of each moment of life, how different the world would be! And a considerable number of souls would not fall to their eternal perdition!”

Do we appreciate the time God gives us on earth? Do we use the moments given to us by our Lord as opportunities to receive his grace, both for our sanctification and the sanctification of others? Let us more closely appreciate this time we have on earth so at the end of time we will be able to rejoice with all of our loved ones before the throne of God. The feast of Our Lady of Good Success is celebrated each year on February 2, the same date as the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

5. Our Lady of Good Help

This apparition hits close to home, literally. This is the only officially approved apparition site in the entire United States, and it happens to be in America’s dairy land, Wisconsin. During October of 1859, Our Lady appeared three times to a twenty-eight year old Belgian immigrant, Adele Brise. As we saw in the messages of the other apparitions above, Our Lady especially wanted to get the message across that the conversion of poor sinners was paramount. Like any good mother, our Blessed Mother is very concerned for the eternal destination of each of her children, desperately wanting to see each and every one of us in heaven with our Lord and God, Jesus Christ. After Brise asked Our Lady who she was and what she desired, she answered in a very direct manner:

“I am the Queen of Heaven who prays for the conversion of sinners, and I wish you to do the same. You received Holy Communion this morning and that is good. But you must do more. Make a general confession and offer Communion for the conversion of sinners. If they do not convert and do penance, my Son will be obliged to punish them.”

What is particularly striking is how Our Lady tells Brise that she has to do more than she is already doing. She already went to daily Mass, but she must still do more. How true is this for every one of us as well! What other extra things can we do? Lent has been over for several weeks, but we can still make penitential acts each day, especially on Fridays, for the conversion of poor sinners. We also must show sorrow and contrition for our own sins, and should more frequently avail ourselves of the sacrament of confession.

Our Lady continued to tell Brise that a life of conversion is also helped by catechesis, requesting that she “gather the children in this wild country and teach them what they should know for salvation… Teach them their catechism, how to sign themselves with the sign of the Cross, and how to approach the sacraments… Go and fear nothing, I will help you.” The feast of Our Lady of Good Help is celebrated on October 9.

We can take solace in Our Lady’s words given here from across time and space. She will help us. But we must ask for that help first, as we clearly saw from the vision of St. Catherine Labouré. Our Lady wants nothing more than to lead us to her son. This is why she is such a powerful intercessor. Let’s reflect on these words of Our Lady, and see how we can incorporate the request she makes in our own lives. Most importantly, let’s continue to pray for the conversion of souls and the entire world.

Holy Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us!

SOURCE: https://media.ascensionpress.com/2019/05/29/5-messages-from-marian-apparitions-and-their-meaning/?fbclid=IwAR3ke8GK-eLMA8wQ_lBKymk2zDQ1eGtfcwg8fWldhe7GSH4sTtxCM_kM0XI




On Jew-Haters and Jewish Haters of Jews
Trevor Collens/Shutterstock.com

The Talmud tells us in Tractate Pesachim 49b that, as bad as non-Jewish anti-Semitism can get, no one hates Jews of authenticity as deeply and severely as do other Jews who are outside the pale of Judaic knowledge. With this week’s annual J Street conference, a hatefest aimed at tearing down the foundational core of the authentic Israel that two-thirds of its population democratically supports, we see how true the Talmud’s sad observation is. No one — truly no one — hates as many Jews as deeply as do Jews of the left. Of course it is a sickness.

First, a word of reality. Inasmuch as a Jew is, by definition of 3,000 years, only a person born to a Jewish mother or converted to Judaism according to normative Judaic law, let it be understood that whole swaths of the J Street membership are not even Jews. They either are outright non-Jews or people born to non-Jewish mothers who never converted properly — or never even went through the conversion motions at all. Whole segments of J Street simply are not Jews. Yes, George Soros has been exposed for having been a major funder of J Street. But whole swaths of the J Street membership are not even Jews. Such are those who hate the polity that Israelis overwhelmingly back.

For a week J Street has vied to hurt Israel in every imaginable way within its limited capacity. It urges massive American funding for Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) and his anti-Israel apparatus that rewards terrorists and their families with lifelong generous stipends for murder: Pay to Slay. Even more than that, J Street gives its very platform to Abbas, a lifelong Jew-hater whose doctoral dissertation denied the Holocaust and who, to this day, never has compromised one inch on his absurd territorial demands or demands that Israel allow millions of Arabs to enter the country to replace the Jewish majority.

The “two-state solution” is dead. Call it “Weakened for Bernie.”

One day J Street cheers on Abu Mazen. Another day they give a “Peacemaker” award to Jimmy Carter, a longtime Israel-hater by his own published bigotry. Another day they provide a platform for two of the most viciously anti-Israel haters in the United States Senate, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Year after year, Warren of Massachusetts is on hand at J Street to attack Israel. And Sanders is so deep a hater of the Israeli polity that he is endorsed openly and regularly by unabashed Jew-haters like Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Linda Sarsour. They endorsed him for president. He endorses them. It makes sense: He despises the government and policies that more than 70 percent of Israel’s Jews vote for, again and again, while he immerses in a political lovefest with the worst congressional Jew-haters of our time. 

Like all such Jewish haters of Jews, just like the wide swaths of pseudo-Jews in J Street, these haters come prepared to counter criticism with the line: “But I am Jewish.”

That nonsense may work for the New York Times and for leftist Jews who predominate CNN, MSNBC, so many other television news outlets, and organizations like the ADL and their ilk. But it is meaningless tripe for those who think beyond slogans. Bernie Madoff was a Jew, but that did not stop him from defrauding and almost bankrupting Elie Wiesel, Sandy Koufax, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steven Spielberg, Frank Lautenberg, Norman Braman, Yeshiva University, the American Jewish Congress, Hadassah, and a long list of Jewish icons. It just made it easier for that Jew to destroy other Jews. Karl Marx was born to Jewish parents, but they converted to Christianity, and his life’s writings and teachings were steeped in anti-Jewish hate. There have been Jews who were active in the American Nazi Party and even rose to be leaders. And so we find the same sickness everywhere on the American left. 

What motivates them? What makes a Bernie devote so much of his public life to attacking Israel and to campaigning alongside the worst congressional Jew-haters of our era? It can be any of so many things. He talks about how he once traveled to Israel to live in a kibbutz. So he liked that, Sha’ar Ha’amakim, a kibbutz that was so Marxist-collectivist that one of its founders ultimately was convicted for spying for the Soviet Union. The kibbutz movement predominated politically in Israel at its gestation. In those years, a significant segment of Israel’s political class indeed was friendly not only to Marxism-Communism in general but specifically to Josef Stalin. The Mapam Party — initially pro-Stalin Communists — won 19 seats in the first Knesset and, while losing support consistently in ensuring years, was included in all but one Israeli coalition government from 1955 to 1977. Here is the full-page ad that Mapam placed to mourn the “great tragedy” of the death of Stalin, whom they described as their “Great Leader and Praised Military Tactician” and the “Great Revolutionary Warrior.” Here is another placed by the Israeli Communist Youth Movement. 

Nevertheless, as with all national socialist experiments, that one also failed in time. As Stalin started murdering Jews, conducting show trials in 1953 Czechoslovakia that disproportionately targeted Jews, started murdering other Jews who had risen to the highest echelons of the Soviet Union — Kamenev, Zinoviev, Radek, Trotsky, and so many others — the Stalinism in the Israeli government waned and was flushed out. Over the next half century, Israel became the capitalist start-up miracle nation that would come to lead the world in so many areas of technology and medicine. So the current Israel whose population now repeatedly and predominantly votes right-wing did not unfold the way that Bernie the Communist wanted — and Benjamin Netanyahu, probably more than any other person, directed the conversion of Israel’s economy from Marxism to capitalism. Accordingly, Bernie Sanders hates Netanyahu and wildly calls Bibi a “racist” even as Netanyahu negotiates with the Ra’am Arab Party and signs accords with Arab Muslim countries like the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco. Sanders, meanwhile, moved from mixed-race Brooklyn to live in Vermont, the second Whitest state in America at 94.3 percent of the population. Talk about racism.

This is the Sanders who goes to J Street to urge America to restrict aid to Israel. Elizabeth Warren does the same. And they start pontificating about “two-state solutions” for the benefit of the same biased Left media that, in 1948, opposed a Jewish country altogether and instead gave disproportionate coverage to the American Council for Judaism, an organization of Reform rabbis and Reform temples who unequivocally opposed Zionism.

What creates such Jews? Whence stems the sickness?

There is often a deeper story about childhood conflict with parents, sometimes tough parents with hypocritical values, and a lifelong childhood determination to get back at those parents someday by hurting them deeply where they will feel it most — trampling the core values they pushed, albeit hypocritically. Mom and Dad mocked Judaism’s Jewish traditions and practices at home, ate non-kosher and transgressed the Sabbath and the Holy Days, mocked rabbis — yet they irrationally demanded as their core values that the kids mourn the Holocaust by marrying Jewish and supporting Israel. So, 20 years later, and now with their own car keys and independent income, many such disgruntled children, assimilated Jews through and through, decide, “We never did kosher or Shabbat anyway. Passover was a food-fest without any discussion of the Torah. Yom Kippur was a 20-minute visit to temple once yearly to hear a Pavarotti wannabe or a Kiri Te Kanawa never-wuz sing “Canary” or whatever that thing is called. [Kol Nidre.] Now I will marry a non-Jew, because she can ski and twerk — and they can’t stop me. Now I will attack Israel because I am a Citizen of the World — and tough luck on them.”

Do not doubt that much of the sickness starts there. I have been a congregational rabbi for 29 of the past 41 years.

Others grow up in homes where they were exposed to nothing, so — for all their secular knowledge and professional training — they know absolutely nothing substantively Jewish. Their seders are about having an orange on the plate and a J Street Haggadah that equates today’s Israel with ancient Egypt’s Pharaoh and that casts “Palestinians” as the Biblical Israelites. Dayenu, indeed. Enough.

Bernie Sanders was reared with a public school education augmented by a bit of weekend “Hebrew School.” He was not sent there — not to that Hebrew School by those parents — to learn Judaism and kosher and Shabbat. Rather, he and his brother learned about Biblical Jews fighting the Pharaoh for social justice, but nothing religious resonated. True to his Marxism, Bernie later lived off his girlfriends and their earnings and assets for decades. In time, his non-Jewish wife and he honeymooned in the Soviet Union when others — Soviet Jews — were risking their freedom and their very lives desperately trying to get out, and while yet other Jews — Americans — were risking their freedoms and their future career options by getting arrested at street demonstrations trying to help them get out … or daringly smuggling sets of tefillin and boxes of matza into the Soviet Union.

As for Sanders, this Communist has praised Soviet bread lines as a “good thing.” He praised Castro’s Communist Cuba. He attended the Communist Sandinista celebrations in Nicaragua and praised them as heroic, encouraging them to fight to victory. As Mark Levin has noted, the entire Bernie Sanders “Bill of Rights” nearly identically parallels Articles 118 to 122 from Stalin’s 1936 Constitution. So he condemns Netanyahu and the right-wing direction for which 70 percent of Israelis have voted four consecutive times in the past two years? That’s a good thing.

In the mid-1980s I became somewhat close to the late Yitzhaq Ben-Ami, the father of Jeremy Ben-Ami, who heads J Street. Yitzhaq was a Jewish patriot. He gave and risked all in the pre-state Irgun underground. He organized clandestine illegal transports to smuggle Jews out of Nazi Europe and then to defy and penetrate the British blockade of Israel’s harbors. Hitler initially was more interested in “cleansing” Europe by evacuating all its Jews than he was in murdering Jews, and Yitzhaq had to negotiate with Eichmann. Here is a compelling mini-biography of him. His book Years of Wrath, Days of Glory details more. To understand how a Jeremy Ben-Ami can run an organization that provides platforms for Abu Mazen, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren to attack Israel’s polity, while regularly endorsing such hateful policies as restricting how Israel spends American aid, is something that is outside my areas of professional training as a rabbi, an attorney, a law professor, a columnist, and a historian. 

But let us know these things:

  1. The “two-state solution” is dead. Call it “Weakened for Bernie.” There are 325,000 Jews living in East Jerusalem and 475,000 more Jews living elsewhere throughout Judea and Samaria. It is absolutely impossible to uproot 800,000 Jews from their homes. Yes, Yamit’s 2,500 could be uprooted from the Sinai in 1982. Later, Israel reached its maximum expulsion capacity when Ariel Sharon expelled 8,600 Jews from Gush Katif in Gaza in 2005 but still had not completely relocated them in new homes and jobs a decade later. An expulsion of 800,000 Jews now to accommodate Arafat’s political descendants — 100 times the Gush Katif expulsion — is impossible. Hitler and Eichmann needed to devote an entire national enterprise to build rail lines, sequester cattle cars, relocate and compress Jews first in ghettoes and then do massive roundups, construct concentration camps, and then gas and incinerate the expelled as fast as possible to make room for the next day’s arrivals. There is no other way to remove one million Jews from their homes. So talk about a “two-state solution” is ridiculous because it never can be implemented. Those days are over, having breathed their last when Ehud Barak offered Yasser Arafat more than 90 percent of Judea and Samaria, plus East Jerusalem, and Arafat — bless his accursed bones — turned it all down and started an intifada.
  1. Elizabeth Warren gets attention and makes shrill noise, but she has no constituency outside the extreme left. She is publicly shamed forever as a liar who claimed to be an American Indian when Harvard Law School was looking for one to hire and now has moved on from whatever tribe best suited her job application. During the 2020 Democrat presidential primaries, she lost even her own state of Massachusetts by an embarrassing landslide. With Israel having survived Hillary Clinton and Obama, then catching its breath these past four years, and now surviving what is left of Joe Biden (meant both ways), Israel certainly will survive Elizabeth Warren without any reservations.
  2. Bernie Sanders is almost 80. Israel survived his six-month stay at the Marxist kibbutz and the whole Marxist kibbutz era. Bernie Sanders now has merited beholding a free and democratic Jewish population electing to seat 72 right-wing Knesset members in the 110 seats won by Jewish parties. That is 70 percent right-wing. Israel will survive him easily. 
  3. SOURCE: https://spectator.org/antisemitism-jews-bernie-sanders-j-street/ 

Sunday, April 25, 2021




WHO IS BILL GATES ?????????????????????????????????????

The Gary Null Show – Bill Gates: America’s Self-Appointed Vaccine Cz

The Progressive Radio Network

A puzzle that may baffle the inquiring mind is how a college dropout, a computer nerd without any notable biological or medical background, and at one time the wealthiest person in the world before being unseated by the self-centered playboy Jeff Bezos, could rise to become one of humanity’s leading spokespersons about vaccination. After transitioning away from Microsoft to work full time for his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2006, funding vaccine development and agricultural genetic engineering seems to have turned into one of Bill Gates’ deeper passion. in the past, he has been a public protector of Monsanto’s chemical-dependent GMOs and continues to promote the agro-chemical paradigm throughout the developing world. Although there is nothing wrong with philanthropic enterprises for causes we believe in, what is disturbing is that a non-medical expert has assumed the role of being a national thought leader on vaccination safety and policy. What people do is less important than their motivations and intentions.  Personality- wise, it is no secret that Gates was a difficult boss to work with. He was known to be extremely critical, belligerent, sarcastic and his anger would often degrade employees. He was a fierce taskmaster as the Washington Post reported , and Fortunemagazine listed him as an “egotistical jerk” along with other billionaires such Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos.  Now with COVID-19 upon us, some, such as NPR , would call Gates prophetic for warning about viral pandemics five years ago. However, there is nothing extraordinarily novel, and definitely not Delphian, in this pronouncement. Gates is certainly no oracle. As personal experience confirms, such conversations among scientists have gone on in the corridors and cafeterias of biotech firms for over three decades. More likely is Gates simply fear mongering to turn his enormous investments into vaccine research and development for a coronavirus vaccine with the outcome being greater profits? To call Gates a vaccine and genetic engineering fanatic is an understatement. While lecturing at the elitist TED 2010 conference in Long Beach, CA, he slipped a statement while speaking about the dangers of climate change and over population: “Vaccines? I love them.” His admission was made in the context of his philanthropic strategy and vaccines play a crucial role in his firm conviction that population reduction is an urgent priority for the survival of humanity. Of course the question that arises is who should be eliminated from the population? And who is elected from the public to make such decisions? The short answer is no one. Nevertheless this agenda is covertly proceeding through foundations, international agencies, non-profits, and private industry. In 2000, the Gates Foundation founded the International Finance Facility for Immunization (GAVI) and that organization’s Global Fund for Children’s Vaccines. GAVI is a global collaboration that includes governments health ministries, the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Bank, WHO, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, UNICEF, corporate vaccine makers, and other influential entities. All of these are zealot vaccination promoters. One of the organization’s goals is to vaccinate every child in Africa. In 2019, GAVI reported having reached over 960 million campaign immunizations in developing countries.  In his deconstruction of Bill Gates’ charitable agenda, F. William Engdahl writes , “Vaccinating a child who then goes to drink feces-polluted river water is hardly healthy in any respect. But of course cleaning up the water and sewage systems of Africa would revolutionize the health conditions of the Continent.” Far more effective would be the Foundation donating its billions to improve sanitation and hygiene, and provide nutrition to the 2.6 billion people who have little to none, for increasing clean water sources so 900 million global residents can have access to drinkable water (now at 1 in 3 Africans). Instead, the Foundation could be funding thousands of health clinics focusing on the chronic illnesses these populations suffer from most. This is simply common sense. “Bad water,” says the Stockholm International Water Institute’s director, Anders Bentell , “kills more people than HIV, malaria and war together.”  And globally, contaminated water, which kills approximately 9 million people annually, is a far more serious crisis than the evidence now indicates for coronavirus.  Over the past several years, the prestigious British medical journal The Lancethas printed a series of in-depth analyses of the Gates Foundation with disturbing revelations. In a September 2008 article, “Misfinancing Global Health: A Case for Transparency in Disbursements and Decision Making,” the authors’ investigation came to the conclusion that aside from excessive funding of high profile Western institutions and organizations, there was “a heavy bias in funding towards malaria


Saturday, April 24, 2021




BOOK OF TRUTH WEB SITE: http://mybookoftruth.com/about/


9 things you need to know about "Maria Divine Mercy"

The visionary"Maria Divine Mercy" claims that Pope Benedict was the last pope and the next one will be the False Prophet. What should we think of this? Here are 9 things you should know.
The visionary"Maria Divine Mercy" claims that Pope Benedict was the last pope and the next one will be the False Prophet. What should we think of this? Here are 9 things you should know. (photo: Register Files)

Many people have been talking about a woman who calls herself "Maria Divine Mercy." She has made dramatic claims in the form of alleged private revelations.

She claims to have predicted Pope Benedict's resignation in advance.

She also claims that he will be the last pope on earth, that the next pope to be elected will be the false prophet, and that the Second Coming is about to occur.

What should we make of these claims?

Here are 9 things you need to know.


1. Who is "Maria Divine Mercy"?

We don't know.

According to her web site, she is "a Roman Catholic married mother of a young family living in Europe [and] says she has been receiving from the Holy Trinity as well as by the Virgin Mary."

She writes anonymous, stating, "The woman wishes to be known by the name Maria Divine Mercy and says that it is the wish of Jesus that she remains anonymous to protect her family and to avoid any distraction from the messages."

"The messages have been received by her since November 2010 and are still ongoing. Over 650 have been received."

In a YouTube interview, she claims to have been a business woman and speaks with what appears to be an Irish accent.


2. What does she say about her own role in God's plan? 

She claims a rather startling role:

Maria says the messages are also being given to help prepare the world for the Second Coming of Christ which will follow The Warning. . . .

Maria was told by Jesus that she is the 7th Messenger, the 7th Angel sent to reveal to the world the contents of the Seals in the Book of Revelation which can only be opened by the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. He will open the Seals and reveal, in advance, the contents. Maria has to publish them as each Seal is opened. He has told her she is the end time prophet.


3. How Popular is Maria Divine Mercy?

Her FaceBook page--Jesus to Mankind--presently has more than 17,000 "Likes," which is quite a substantial number.

She also promotes her message through a web site--www.TheWarningSecondComing.com--and she sells copies of her revelations in the form of books titled The Book of Truth (vol.s I & II).

She is apparently popular enough that there are knockoff web sites also repeating her messages. Her own web site contains a warning against the knockoffs.


4. What has Maria Divine Mercy said about Pope Benedict?

Among the more notable things she has claimed are the following:

  • Pope Benedict XVI is the "last Pope on earth, Benedict XVI, chosen by Me [Jesus] to lead My Church during the last days" (source).
  • Pope Benedict would be forced from office: "Pope Benedict XVI, will be ousted from the Holy See in Rome" (source).
  • This will be due to a plan that was launched "within the corridors of the Vatican" (source).
  • Now that he has resigned, "They will now try to kill him . . . They will say that he was guilty of a crime of which he is totally innocent" (source).

5. What has she said about the next pope?

Maria Divine Mercy has a very unusual set of beliefs regarding the next pope.
Apparently drawing on the St. Malachy prophecy of the popes, she identifies the next true pope as "Peter the Roman," but she believes that he will be the actual, historical St. Peter and that he will not reign on earth but from heaven, at least until the Second Coming, when he will begin to rule on earth. She writes:

My beloved Pope Benedict XVI is the last true Pope on this earth.

Peter the Roman, is My Peter, the original apostle who will rule My Church from the Heavens under the command of My Eternal Father. Then, when I come to reign, at the Second Coming, he will rule over all of God’s children when all religions will become one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Prior to the Second Coming, she claims that the Catholic Church on earth will be governed by a false pope:
  • In Pope Benedict's place, a new antipope will be elected: "The false prophet will now take over the Seat in Rome" (source). "[T]hey will bring God’s children under the rule of the little horn, who will sit in pompous splendour in the Seat of Peter" (source).
  • This antipope will announce a plan to merge world religions: "Seated in the Chair of Peter, this imposter will shout aloud and proudly proclaim his solution to unite all churches as one.  Hailed as a modern innovator, he will be applauded by the secular world because he will condone sin. He will bring in new laws, which will, not only contradict the Teachings of the Catholic Church, but which will go against all Christian laws" (source).


6. What does she claim about the future?

Maria Divine Mercy makes a number of claims. Among them are these:

  • We are currently in the Great Tribulation: "My dearly beloved daughter the three and a half years remaining in the Tribulation period commences in December 2012" (source). This would put the end of the Great Tribulation in May 2016.
  • The antichrist will soon appear: "The false prophet, while busy with his lofty ambitions to impress the world’s Catholics, will be pushed to one side, for a while, because the antichrist will now enter the world stage, as foretold. When you hear the media reports of the new, promising, skilled, peace negotiator, you will know who he is. He will be a very close ally of the false prophet and is under no illusion as to who he is – the son of Satan" (source).
  • The antichrist and false prophet will set up a New World Religion: "He will be head of the New World Religion and he, and the False Prophet, who will head up the shell of the Catholic Church on earth will work closely to deceive all of God’s children" (source).
  • There will be a supernatural event ("the Warning") in which God makes his presence known: "You must await now My Divine Act of Mercy, for it will weed out the good from the wicked. This great Illumination of Conscience will take place after My Holy Vicar [Benedict XVI] has left Rome" (source). "billions of people will convert during The Warning" (source).
  • Afterward, the Second Coming will take place and there will be 1,000 years of peace: "This Era of Peace [spoken of at Fatima] will take place after the Second Coming of My Son and will last 1,000 years" (source). This is also the Millennium spoken of in Revelation, and its length is to be taken literally: "Know that the 1,000 years referred to in the Book of Revelation means just that. If it was meant to be something different then it would have been given a different time" (source).
  • The Second Coming and the Millennium that follows it is distinct from the end of the world: "Many people believe that My Second Coming indicates that the END OF THE WORLD has come. THAT IS NOT THE CASE for, instead, it will mean the END TIMES when Satan and his followers who create untold misery in the world will be BANISHED FROM EARTH FOR 1,000 YEARS" (source, emphasis in original).

7. What should we make of all this?

There are abundant reasons not to trust Maria Divine Mercy's claims.
One of them is that she operates anonymously. This does not fit the pattern of authentic visionaries, who have been willing to undergo criticism and even persecution for the sake of their visions.
"Maria Divine Mercy," by contrast, apparently lives a normal life that she keeps partitioned off from her secret life, in which she uses the Internet to spread her messages (and sell her books).
Yet her secret life is so important that God himself has told her that she is "the 7th Messenger, the 7th Angel sent to reveal to the world the contents of the Seals in the Book of Revelation" and that "she is the end time prophet."
After all the prophets and visionaries of history who operated with people knowing their identities, with them and their families facing the consequences of delivering God's message, God wants "the end time prophet" to operate safely and anonymously from the comfort of her living room, using an Internet connection to maintain her privacy?
(Also, what is this "7th Messenger," "7th Angel" business? Who were the previous six? And humans aren't the same kind of creatures as angels.)

There are also abundant reasons not to trust her prophecies.


8. Are her prophecies reliable?

No. We're fortunate that she's associated dates with them (e.g., the statement that the last 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation began in December 2012). That provides a short shelf-life for her prophecies. When they are proved false she will have the option of walking away from them (having conveniently kept her identity secret) or re-jiggering and re-interpreting them.

Even now, though, there are reasons not to trust them.

First, her main claim to fame is having allegedly predicted Pope Benedict's resignation from the papacy.

But she didn't actually do that.

She said that he would be forced out of office by a plot against him hatched in the Vatican. That might have seemed reasonable back when her "prophecies" were first being given, what with the VatiLeaks scandal of 2012 or the German and Irish paedophilia scandals before that, but it's not what happened.

Unless you want to accuse Pope Benedict of being a liar.

He wasn't "ousted" due to a plot. He freely resigned due to health reasons. Here's what Pope Benedict actually said:

I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry. I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only with words and deeds, but no less with prayer and suffering.

However, in today’s world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the barque of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me.

For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter. 

To buy Maria Divine Mercy's claim, you must set aside Pope Benedict's own claim. Although he is described in the messages by Jesus as "My innocent, beloved last Pope on earth, Benedict XVI" (source), he would have been lying in the very act of renouncing the papacy if he did not do so "with full freedom" and for age-related reasons but rather under coercision and because of a plot.

Her further predictions--regarding St. Peter reigning at first in heaven and then on earth during the Millennium, the Warning, the next pope being the false prophet, a coming world religion, before the Second Coming and an earthly Millennium before the end of the world--are a mishmash of other visionaries' material combined with Premillennial Protestant ideas (a form of what has historically been called "milleniarianism").

The latter ideas, in particular, have been rejected by the Catholic Church. The Catechism states:

The Antichrist's deception already begins to take shape in the world every time the claim is made to realize within history that messianic hope which can only be realized beyond history through the eschatological judgement. The Church has rejected even modified forms of this falsification of the kingdom to come under the name of millenarianism [CCC 676].


9. Should Catholics give credence to Maria Divine Mercy?

No. She is an anonymous, unapproved seer whose prophecies contain material that is both demonstrably false and contrary to Catholic teaching regarding the future.

Furthermore, to adhere to her prophecies can result in the grave sin and canonical crime of schism.

If, as soon as a new pope is elected, one were to regard him--as Maria Divine Mercy would have us regard him--as a false pope and the False Prophet, one would be in a state of schism.

According to the Code of Canon Law:

[S]chism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him [CIC 751].

This would have grave consequences for an individual, both spiritually and canonically, including possible automatic (latae sententiae) excommunication, since:

[A] schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication [CIC 1364 §1].

Which includes, among other things the inability to receive the sacraments until one repents of the schism and is restored to communion with the Church.

Under no circumstances should a Catholic become involved with or give any credence to the "messages" of Maria Divine Mercy.

May she herself find the grace to repudiate them, take them down, and alert her followers of their falseness.

source: https://www.ncregister.com/blog/9-things-you-need-to-know-about-maria-divine-mercy




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