[…] Lumen Gentium stated: "The one Church of Christ [...] in this world constituted and organized as a society, it subsists in the Catholic Church, governed by the Successor of Peter and by the Bishops in communion with him"[1]. It was therefore a question of a single word (it exists), but a word to which a question of faith is subject, and of the most serious ones. Catholic doctrine, in fact, had always identified the Church of Christ with the Roman Catholic Church alone, with the exclusion of the various heretical and schismatic sects that separated from it over the centuries. It is, in the final analysis, the most important question in the life of every man, that is, the true Religion and the true Church in which eternal salvation can be found, and the voice of Tradition and the Fathers of the Church had always been unanimous in this regard: "Man can only attain salvation in the Catholic Church". St. Augustine of Hippo recalled, while "outside the Catholic Church he can save himself anything but himself. He can hold office, he can receive the sacraments, he can sing alleluia, he can answer Amen, he can have the Gospel, he can have faith and preach in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, but nowhere except in the Catholic Church can he attain salvation"[2]. The text of the Outline of the Preparatory Commission of the Council had clearly affirmed the perennial doctrine, reaffirming that "the Church of Christ is the Catholic Church"[3].

The neomodernists, on the other hand, succeeded in having the new conciliar text insert precisely that subsistit (subsistit), thus opening the doors to the "demolition" of the Church and the eternal ruin of all, Catholics and non-Catholics, through the current ecumenism, which considers all heretical and schismatic Confessions – "Orthodox", Anglicans, Lutherans, etc. – as already part, albeit not fully, of the one Church of Christ, in which the Catholic Church would limit itself to subsisting, no longer identifying itself with it exclusively.

The purpose of the maneuver was clear: by manipulating and bartering the revealed Truth, the need to call the separated brothers to conversion and abjuration of their heresies was eliminated, and at the same time they were given a clear signal of the changed attitude of the new conciliar Church (not of the Catholic Church, however) towards them, in view of a future union in an ecumenical superchurch in the near future. Moreover, even the well-known magazine La Civiltà Cattolica, today also obediently aligned with neomodernism, in an article by Fr. Mucci S.J. was forced to admit that the reason for the betrayal was strictly ecumenical: "The passage, therefore, from the East to the subsistit in – recognized Fr. Mucci – took place for prevalent ecumenical purposes"[4].

[1] LG, no. 8/b.
[2] Sermon to the People of the Church of Caesarea, 6, in Migne, PL, 43, 695.
[3] Cf. also, for example, Leo XIII, Encyclical Satis Cognitum on the Unity of the Church, Denz3300-3310.
[4] La Civiltà Cattolica, 5 December 1987, p. 448.
