Tuesday, June 1, 2021




An anonymous Irish woman calling herself Maria Divine Mercy and the 7th Angel of Prophesy of the Apocalypse has claimed to have had messages from the Blessed Trinity and Our Lady since 2010. Some have claimed to have exposed her real name as Mary Carberry, possibly from Dublin. Her prophesies are compiled in two volumes in The Book Of Truth. I have read several of her utterings over the years but have not made a deep study of them. From what I have read I find them contrary to the Gospels and to Church teaching, but I will leave the details of heterodoxy to others.

One web site listing her "prophesies" can be found HERE

A video series supporting her by "theologian" Dr. Kelly Bowring 

I will provide several links below which summarize various aspects of concern. In the immediately following, one web site, Miraculous Rosary, outlines a litany of general concerns and condemnations ...........

Maria Divine Mercy, Schism! Official Negative Decision By Church - And Updates

satan comes as a wolf in sheep's clothing. To steal, kill and destroy. He will deceive the very elect.
This article, originally published on February 2, 2013, generated so many comments that the limit was reached. After continuing to study the MDM messages to compare them with Catholic beliefs and Sacred Scripture, I am even more convinced now than ever that they are false and dangerous to the soul.  Followers are encouraged to reject Pope Francis and hoard food and supplies to prepare for the "Warning" and the second coming of Christ.  A religious nun who is a follower has even encouraged people to stock up on unconsecrated hosts so that the "Remnant Army" can conduct masses in secret bunkers.  What many Catholics don't know is that by publicly rejecting the Pope and looking for fault in his every word, gesture, apparel, and action, they are violating Canon Law and placing themselves in a state of excommunication from the church. If you are a Catholic "on the fence" about these messages, run fast! THERE IS NO SIN IN REJECTING THESE MESSAGES. However, there is tremendous and dangerous sin in embracing them.  ~ Lovey

The Maria Divine Mercy messages are fomenting SCHISM and they are a deception of Satan! The messages started in 2010, and I discovered them on the Internet early in 2012. Being unsure of the messages coupled with my love of the Holy Catholic Church, I began a long journey of discovery through prayer, reading and listening especially to clergy and theologians, and comparing messages to Catholic doctrine. The list below continues to grow as I have bullet pointed solid arguments against the truth of these messages below.

OFFICIAL WORD ON MARIA DIVINE MERCY BY THE ARCHBISHOP OF DUBLIN under whose jurisdiction Maria Divine Mercy resides:

The Archbishop of Dublin has spoken out that the MDM messages are to be avoided by Catholics.  Her messages are officially condemned! 

The statement:


Requests for clarification have been coming to the Archdiocese of Dublin concerning the authenticity of alleged visions and messages received by a person who calls herself “Maria Divine Mercy” and who may live in the Archdiocese of Dublin.

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin wishes to state that these messages and alleged visions have no ecclesiastical approval and many of the texts are in contradiction with Catholic theology.

These messages should not be promoted or made use of within Catholic Church associations.

 The source:  Click here: Statement against MDM by the Archbishop of Dublin

Opinions of other bishops, priests, and theologians: 
  • The Slovakian Conference of Bishops has condemned the Maria Divine Mercy messages as heretical. To read the full letter and an English translation, click HERE.
  • Bishop Andreas Laun, Auxiliary Bishop of Salzburg, Austria warns Catholics against the MDM messages. English translation, original text, and link to original article are HERE
  • Archbishop Coleridge of Brisbane in Australia has put out a letter warning Catholics against following or distributing the false messages of MDM. View the letter HERE
  • The Archdiocese of Melbourne, Australia has issued a warning to the faithful to its parishes about the Maria Divine Mercy messages. Article posting inquiry of full text HERE
  • Bishop Fabbro of the London diocese, (ON) Canada put out a warning against MDM in all local church bulletins. Here is the text:
    “Bishop Fabbro has been asked concerning a meeting about Maria Divine Mercy which is to take place at a house in Corunna on August 15, 2013.”

    “Maria of Divine Mercy is a woman who chooses to remain anonymous and has made claims of alleged privation revelations. Bishop Fabbro warns Catholics of the diocese that Maria of Divine Mercy has not received the Church’s approval. Indeed, Catholic bishops who have studied her teachings have declared that they are heretical and have forbidden priests to be involved with or cooperate in matters associated with Maria of Divine Mercy. Her prophecies contain material that is both false and contrary to Catholic teaching. The faithful should know that adhering to her teachings can result in grave sin.”

    “Bishop Fabbro warns Catholics that they should not be involved with Maria of Divine Mercy nor should they give credence to her messages.”  
  • Archbishop Jan Graubner of Olomouc, Czech Republic, warned that the consequences of messages can be 'devilish' and speculates that the person who writes the messages might be someone who 'is very clever and evil, someone who wants to harm the Church." Full text in Czech http://ow.ly/Hy32X
  • "On 13 December last, Bishop Anthony Fisher, of Parramatta, issued the following statement: “Many of you might have received email or other communications from a woman who goes by the name of ‘Maria Divine Mercy’.

    Supposedly, she is a seer in receipt of private revelations from the Holy Trinity, Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin Mary. She runs a website called ‘The Warning’, the subject matter of which relates to the end of the world and Christ’s Second Coming.

    “The messages and ‘revelations’ of Maria Divine Mercy contain theological positions that do not conform to the Catholic Church’s teachings, Scripture or Tradition. There are also historical errors. There is also a persistent animus towards various aspects of Church leadership, for example, the messages and ‘revelations’ regarding the supposedly illegitimate papal ministry of Pope Francis."

    “Maria Divine Mercy’s messages enjoy no ecclesiastical support or approval. The faithful should not take seriously the messages of Maria Divine Mercy. No support should be given to the dissemination of these messages or ‘revelations’ or associated material in the diocese of Parramatta.”  Source: The Catholic Weekly, Australia
  • Karl Keating, founder and President of the reputable organization, "Catholic Answers" says, "I have taken a look at the Maria Divine Mercy’s website, and it didn’t take but a minute to discover that this seer is fake and her messages contrary to the Church." He adds, "You need to back away from this spurious seer--and pronto." Read his opinion HERE: Catholic.com Blog
  • Dr. Mark Miravalle, Professor of Theology and Mariology at Franciscan University of Steubenville says, "Ironically, the alleged message predicts an upcoming schism in the Church. This could well become a self-fulfilling prophecy, a Satanic goal and strategy, which could result, in some part, from the following of extremely dangerous and materially schismatic messages such as those promulgated by 'Maria Divine Mercy.'" Read his full analysis of the messages HERE: New Advent Blog
  • Jimmy Akin, journalist for the National Catholic Register, says of Maria Divine Mercy, "[Maria Divine Mercy] is an anonymous, unapproved seer whose prophecies contain material that is both demonstrably false and contrary to Catholic teaching regarding the future. Furthermore, to adhere to her prophecies can result in the grave sin and canonical crime of schism." Read the rest of his opinion HERE: National Catholic Register
  • According to an article in the Irish magazine "Alive!", Catholic priest Father Owen Gorman writes why this cannot be an apparition from God. Scroll down (pdf) to page 10: Alive! Magazine, March 2012 OR click on the image of the article at the bottom of this posting and magnify to read it. Thank you to "Anonymous" commenter for finding this article.
  • Father John Hogan OCDS has written an article warning against these messages, "I would ask all Catholics to stay clear of this woman and her 'messages'.  For one thing we cannot establish her credentials.  When the Church examines the authenticity of any supernatural events or revelations she examines the alleged seers because their lives and integrity are part of the investigation." Read the rest of his article HERE: Ex Umbris Et Imaginibus Blog
  • Father John Corrigan of Ballarat, Australia warns about Maria Divine Mercy HERE and a second article HERE 
  • Father Angel Sotelo of the Diocese of Fresno states, "For the reasons listed...and not even counting the theological errors which are said to exist in her messages, they should in my opinion be dismissed and not given even the pious or human faith given to an approved private revelation." He outlines his full opinion HERE and a second part HERE.
  • According to the Eternal Word Television Network, "The judgment that an alleged apparition has been shown to be not supernatural means it is either clearly not miraculous or lacks sufficient signs of the miraculous. Private revelation, for example, which is doctrinally dangerous or which manifests hostility to lawful authority could not come from God. It could even be demonic, especially if there are extraordinary signs accompanying it. The devil gladly mingles truth and lie to deceive the faithful, dazzling them with signs and wonders to give credence to his message. His purpose is to separate them from the Church, either by getting them to believe things contrary to the deposit of the faith or to act contemptuously of Church authority. An attitude of pride and judgment toward the Church is a clear sign of his presence.
  • According to Richard Salbato of Unity Publishing, "A sure sign of a demonically-inspired seer is their seeking self-profit, glory and power over GOD's." On her website, "Maria" is selling volumes of the messages. The second volume is set to come out and they are presently taking pre-orders. There is no bishop approval on these writings. Where is the money going? Richard Salbato has an excellent article on discerning the spirits. This is a good, long checklist by which all supposed apparitions can be measured: Testing The Spirit

  • Without the approval of the Holy See, the handlers of the Maria Divine Mercy messages held "Book of Truth Seminars" to, in their words, "give a broad overview of what the messages are telling us about the direction of our Church and our world. help the establishment of centres of prayer and distribution, with a view to an even more important role in difficult times ahead." They have done tours of Australia and the United States to spread their propaganda It appears the promoters are actively moving toward a SCHISM.
  • The compiled messages are claimed to be "The Book of Truth", an addition to the Book of Revelations in Sacred Scripture. This is patently false! Catholics are to follow the Magisterium of the church which has as its source the completedsealed Gospel and Sacred Tradition. Sacred Tradition is Catholic doctrine based on prayerful discernment of the Gospel by the Pope, cardinals, and bishops throughout generations ever since the founding of the Holy Catholic Church by Jesus Christ Himself. It is heresy to claim a private revelation can add to or complete Sacred Scripture. Maria Divine Mercy and her followers often refer to her book of false messages called, "The Book of Truth" as his Sacred Words, the Word or Scripture. This is heresy!
  • In an audio interview from 2011, the seer claims to have seen God the Father, and says she was surprised to see there were three beings because she didn't know about the Blessed Trinity. How can this be, since nobody is allowed to be in the Beatific Vision (able to see God), unless their soul has been completely purified whether here on earth (a saint!) or through the fires of Purgatory. A person who isn't even aware of the basic doctrine of Trinity certainly has not yet achieved saint status and therefore can NOT see God.
  • "Maria Divine Mercy" says these messages are URGENT. If they are urgent, she'd be anxious for her local Bishop to approve them. In her radio interview she claims her bishop "dismissed" the messages. Should this be enough for her not to promote them as she does?
  • Before the election of Pope Francis in the valid Conclave of Cardinals, Maria Divine Mercy's messages referred to the next pope after Benedict as the coming "false prophet."  Before as well as after his election, he has also been also referred to as, "imposter," "false prophet,"  "evil" who infiltrated the church, the one who "stole the seat (sic)  of Peter,"  "abomination," and worse.  This is to cause Catholics to mistrust the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, which is  a sure sign that Satan is in the works. Now that Pope Francis is our Holy Father, MDM followers on social media sites like Facebook are going out of their way to find twisted and skewed articles about his words from less-than-trustworthy news sources to try and "prove" he is the false prophet.  They have expressed a desire for his short pontificate and even for his death.  For a Catholic to actively and persistently reject an acting Pontiff is to violate the Code of Canon Law # 751 which leads to automatic excommunication.  An added note: Although the church has had her ups and downs, the Holy Catholic Church was instituted by Jesus Himself and He promised us, "The gates of hell shall not prevail against it!" The messages want people to break away from the Holy Catholic Church which is the fount of truth and light.
  • Here are actual Maria Divine Mercy messages from right after the election of Pope Francis in the valid Conclave of Cardinals.  3/13/13 "I have not appointed this person, who claims to come in My Name," 3/14/13 "...the imposter, who sits on the throne in My Church on earth, does not come from Me," "The time for the schism to be laid bare is close, and already, a terrible unease is being felt in Rome," 3/15/13, "You must pray for all those who run the Catholic Church. Please include the man who sits in the Chair of Peter...Pray that he will accept the Truth of the death of my Son on the Cross," (How insulting and brash that this message claims Pope Francis does not accept the death of Jesus!), "So infested are they, those who roam the corridors of Rome, that the biggest sign will be seen in the chaos, which will ensue, as they adhere to the command of the imposter," 3/19/13, "Masonic sects infiltrate the Church in Rome. Make no mistake – there can only be one pope in one lifetime, "...soon, all will see the subtle acts and the sly gestures of those false imposters who preside over My Throne in Rome, for they amount to sacrilege," 3/21/13 "The time for the division is soon and you must prepare." -~-All of these messages are encouraging a schism. The targets for these messages appear to be traditional Catholics . There have already been traditionalist schisms in past decades since Vatican II, and Satan seems to be encouraging another one. Adding fuel to the fire is the mainstream media that has written articles based on bad translations of his homilies, and exaggerated comments that he has made, for example, claiming that Pope Francis said atheists are "saved,"  which is a complete misunderstanding of what he actually said. (For those of you still curious, Pope Francis said that all mankind is REDEEMED, even atheists.  Redemption does not mean salvation. They are different words with different meanings. Jesus did redeem all of mankind when He suffered and died on the cross. However, it is up to each and every one of us to work toward salvation by following the ways of Christ.)
  • The Maria Divine Mercy messages are rife with doctrinal errors, Scritpural contradictions, self-contradictions, and simply stated, bad grammar.  An example of an error is the message on 3/22/13, the Friday before Holy Week, MDM followers were requested to fast all week, and END the fast at 3:30 on Good Friday, "My dearly beloved daughter, I desire that all of My followers conduct a time of fasting from next Monday until 15:30 hours (03:30 PM) on Good Friday." However, our faith teaches that we are required to fast all day on Good Friday!  Here, MDM has Catholics breaking their fast on the very day we commemorate and mourn Jesus's suffering and death! Satan is laughing.
  • Would a visionary have to retract or revise a message?  Thank you to a Miraculous Rosary Blog commenter who noticed this new MDM message retracting the previous fasting message, "please (sic) note that there was a typographical error in the message dated 22 March 2013 entitled 'I desire that all of My Followers conduct a time of fasting from next Monday until 15.30 hours on Good Friday' The last line should read 'If you do not wish to endure this suffering, I will grant you great blessings and ask that you continue with Me on My journey to awaken the world from its slumber and so I can lift the veil of deceit which covers it.' admin team" My blog commenter amusingly added, "I guess Jesus realized that he went too far this time."       I have seen MDM messages edited, changed, and even deleted.  In one example, I distinctly remember reading "jesus" telling his followers to "hoard" food.  Later, I went back to find that message to demonstrate why the messages are false, and the word "hoard" was gone.  No approved seer in history has made mistakes in grammar or semantics. How could he or she?  The messages come directly from heaven and are infused not only into the ears of the seer, but also the hearts and souls! 
  • On the website you can download a paper certificate called, "Seal of the Living God" which promises God's protection for your entire family from now up until Jesus comes again if you accept the seal by praying a particular prayer. The certificate was designed from a stock photo image of a seal by commercial artist who admits he had no divine inspiration when he created it.  On a social media site, he even admitted to getting paid for it!  God's divine plan for the salvation of mankind through His Son Jesus Christ was clearly laid out in the Gospels. There are no "new" revelations.  Second, it is explained quite clearly in the Catechism of the Catholic Church that the "Seal" being referred to in Sacred Scripture is the seal of our BAPTISM!  This is a seal that can't smear if it gets wet, blow away in the wind, or get lost on a messy desk. Once Catholics are baptised, our souls carry the indelible Seal of God forever. 
  • In her 2011 audio interview, she called 2011 the year of purification, and said that the chastisement would come in about a year. Right now it is February, 2013 and we haven't even had the "Warning" yet, which is supposed to come before the "Chastisement". This inaccuracy alone proves false the messages. Plus, Our Lord and Our Holy Mother have never, in any approved apparition, set a date for a future apocalyptic event.
  • Early in the messages, "Maria Divine Mercy" claims she was being awakened by God at 3 a.m. In her own words, she asked him not to wake her up at 3 anymore. Nobody who has the privilege of being in the presence of God, Jesus, or Mary would desire or even DARE to change heaven's schedule! Nor would he or she want to! 
  • Maria Divine Mercy states that she felt tired and drained after the apparitions.  The only ones who claim to feel "drained" are occult mediums after they perform "healings" or communications with the "spirit world."  
  • At the time of her apparitions, she says she was a lapsed Catholic, bordering on agnostic. She was a very busy career woman who had no time for God. In her words, a "high flyer." I understand that God can chose whoever He wants, but Jesus warned us that Satan will deceive even the elect. Many great saints lived in fear of being deceived by Satan. Bernadette Soubirous of Lourdes wasn't sure if the apparition of Mary was a deception, and she threw holy water at her to make sure! Satan appeared to other saints looking exactly like Jesus, and each had their own way of discerning the deception. If these holy people couldn't always tell the difference, then how in the world does a lapsed Catholic, agnostic, who wasn't even aware of the Holy Trinity "know" this is really Jesus speaking and not just Satan in disguise?
  • In the messages, there is a constant current of Jesus and Mary complaining about the messages not being believed by people. Did Mary complain when the Bishop of Lourdes didn't believe Bernadette? Did she complain when the Bishop of Fatima didn't believe Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco? No. She encouraged their obedience to the church, even if it meant they weren't allowed to come out to the apparition sites during her planned visits. God is always in control.
2011 audio interview of "Maria Divine Mercy". Thank you to my sister-in-law for finding this: Radio Interview with "seer" Maria Divine Mercy

Update:  MDM's radio interview transcribed into writing; read while you listen

There are many references from approved seers throughout history about being cautious of anything that attempts to make Catholics turn away from the Catholic Church. For example, here are the words of the amazing seer Hildegard regarding the Minor Chastisement, "After the birth of Antichrist heretics will preach their false doctrines undisturbed, resulting in Christians having doubts about their holy Catholic faith...at that period when antichrist shall be born, there will be many wars and right order shall be destroyed on earth. Heresy will be rampant and the heretics will preach their errors openly without restraint. Even among Christians doubt and scepticism will be entertained concerning the beliefs of Catholicism."

Jesus warned us that in these days there would be numerous false prophets, some so clever as to deceive even the elect. One thing is certain, it doesn't hurt us to ignore private revelations altogether, and instead immerse ourselves in the truth of the Gospel and the rich teachings of the Church. If we follow the blueprint Jesus laid out for us before He ascended into heaven, we have no need of further "revelations".

We should try not to chase butterflies in the tangled forest while neglecting the beautiful ones we already have in our own gardens! And while you're there....Plant a rosary every day!  

Stop chasing apparitions and embrace the profundity of the mundane!
Article in March 2012 "Alive!" Magazine. Click on the photo and magnify on your computer to read.


Important update, May 12, 2013: The MDM fake message writers saw the post above and put out a new message TODAY but dated May 10 that begins, "Those who have not been given My Holy Word, including those countries where I Am condemned, are the first souls I must reach out to. Through no fault of their own, they have been reared from birth to deny God, the Maker and Creator of all that is. I will strive to convert them through this Mission and promise that once they are shown the Truth, during The Warning, that they will be drawn into My Mercy quickly. I will never forsake those who have been deceived, through false doctrines, for they are helpless and are in need of My Love and Mercy.~~~Here is their big mistake, and PROOF their messages are being written by PEOPLE trying to start a new schism church: THE LETTER FROM THE SLOVAKIAN BISHOPS IS DATED FROM NOVEMBER, 2012 - A FULL SIX MONTHS AGO! Why didn't the "message from jesus" come out back in November or December? Instead, their message "coincidentally" comes out on the third day after my May 9th update and other postings (on this blog and Facebook page "Maria Divine Mercy - True or False") that presented the Letter of Condemnation of the MDM movement by the Conference of Slovakian Bishops. RUN from this false movement! They are also trying to indoctrinate children with a youth group Facebook page. In addition, they are calling out for people in the U.S. to volunteer as leaders to start prayer groups in their areas. Please be aware to tell your parish priests and bishops to NOT allow this false movement to grow!

SOURCE: http://miraculousrosary.blogspot.com/2013/06/maria-divine-mercy-schism-reposted.html 


👉[From Catholic Religion on Facebook]....

Further evidence that The Book of Truth from Maria Divine Mercy (MDM) is a false message from Satan!
MDM messages: "Never forsake the Catholic Church. Never deny my son's other Christian Churches, for you are all followers of Jesus Christ" — Mary Mother of Salvation, February 8, 2012.
👉 This is Heresy, Our Mother Mary would never say such, she would never promote protestant "Churches" and call them her son's other Christian Churches!
👉 There is only one Christian Church and that is the Catholic Church founded by Jesus Christ on St Peter, all others were founded by the devil;
"The Catholic Church is the one and only true Religion, every other religion is False and inspired by the devil"—Pope St. Pius V, Council Trent
👉 MDM just like Vatican 2, promotes Ecumenism. No mention or zeal from MDM to convert those in false religions into the Catholic Church, rather we see encouragement for false churches and helping their members to remain in error.
👉 This is sufficient to prove that MDM is from Satan. Its goal is not to convert those in error but to encourage falsehoods.
👉 The gospel of MDM is condemned by the Catholic Church;
"Certainly such attempts [at interreligious unity] can nowise be approved by Catholics, founded as they are on that false opinion which considers all religions to be more or less good and praiseworthy, since they all in different ways manifest and signify that sense which is inborn in us all, and by which we are led to God and to the obedient acknowledgment of His rule. Not only are those who hold this opinion in error and deceived, but also in distorting the idea of true religion they reject it, and little by little, turn aside to naturalism and atheism, as it is called; from which it clearly follows that one who supports those who hold these theories and attempt to realize them, is altogether abandoning the divinely revealed religion." —Pope Pius XI, Encyclical Mortalium Animos, n. 2
👉 Flee from the MDM messages, it promotes the Heresy of Ecumenism;
Galatians 1:8-9 “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema. As we said before, so now I say again: If anyone preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be anathema.”
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12: “Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders, And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying. That all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity.”


As Maria Divine Mercy largely concerns her prophesies with eschatology of the End Times, it is most relevant to compare her utterings with actual Church Teaching. The following article in this link offers an excellent summary of such teaching. It does teach against notions such as the "Rapture" and Dispensationalism which is not part of MDM's utterings [that I have seen], but it offers a good explanation of MDM's references to Millenarianism which is a heresy. View the article  HERE 

And here is a guide for anyone feeling confused on this issue of MDM's prophesies which offers guidance on Discerning such things as private revelations and apparitions:  HERE



On the subject of private revelations and apparitions, readers may be interested in our previous articles.

RE: Maria Divine Mercy [Our first article from April 24th, 2020] HERE 

RE: Divine Mercy [Sr. Faustina] HERE and JPII & Faustina HERE

RE:  Mary Divine Mercy [Mary-Julie Jehenny] HERE

RE:  La Salette HERE

RE:  Garabandal [Pros & Cons] HERE  and scroll through our own facebook page  HERE

RE:  Fulton J. Sheen HERE

RE: Five Approved apparitions HERE


Tuesday, May 25, 2021




Israel’s crimes against the people of Palestine reveal a record of barbarism and cruelty unmatched in the modern world except for the unrivaled chronical of suffering resulting from murderous wars perpetrated by U.S. imperialism in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Nicaragua, and beyond.

The offspring of the Zionist movement, the state of Israel, has spawned a history of terrorism as vicious as it is pernicious. Settler colonial projects are racist and genocidal.  They involve the ethnic cleansing of native populations.

Israel’s history mirrors America’s.  Beginning with the first English colony at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607, settlers moved ever westward, bringing disease, forced population transfers, massacres, wars, broken treaties, reservations, and genocide to Native Americans.  The European invasion produced a holocaust for indigenous peoples on this continent that has yet to be acknowledged, let alone redressed, by the American government.

In historic Palestine, the colonists were European Zionists who set out to create a Jewish state on a land inhabited by an Arab population.  The unrelenting colonization of Palestine was undertaken by a people who claim victimhood. The Nazi holocaust has long been referred to by Zionists as a justification of  the creation of a Jewish state as well as a means to prevent criticism of Israel.  However, the project of Zionist colonialization predates the Nazi holocaust by more than half a century, preceding the publication of Theodore Herzl’s book The Jewish State in 1897.  For Zionists, any criticism of Israel is labeled an expression of anti-Semitism, providing a shield for their criminality.

Victimization propaganda is clearly exemplified by Israel’s repeated assertion that it bombs the Gaza Strip as an act of self-defense in response to rockets fired by Hamas, as if the settler state does nothing to provoke the missile barrage.

It does plenty.  And it has done so since its vile inception.

The Zionist movement introduced terrorism to the Middle East during its ‘War of Independence’ against the British when the Irgun and Stern paramilitary gangs murdered British commanders, shot British constables, hung captured British soldiers, assassinated a United Nations representative, and bombed crowded Palestinian venues.

The Irgun bombed the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, causing the deaths of 91 people including Arab, British, Jewish, Armenian, Egyptian, Russian, and Greek residents, workers, and visitors on July 22, 1946.

Zionist terrorists belonging to the Stern gang assassinated United Nations representative Count Folke Bernadotte of Sweden on September 17, 1948.  Bernadotte was on a mission to mediate the conflict that erupted after the U.N. General Assembly, in a corrupted vote, partitioned Palestine on November 29, 1947 giving 56% of the most fertile land to Jewish settlers and 44% of the land to the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine.

The Irgun and Stern gangs bombed Arab fruit and vegetable markets, busses, coffee shops, and homes slaughtering Palestinians throughout the 1930s.  Two notorious right-wing terrorists, Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, became Prime Ministers of Israel.

The Zionist terror campaign to cleanse indigenous Arabs and Christians from the land they inhabited for centuries developed in three phases.   The first phase began before the United Nations partition resolution in 1947.  The second phase took place six months prior to the end of the British Mandate and withdrawal of British troops on May 14, 1948. And the third phase commenced with the declaration of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948, when the nascent Jewish state implemented ‘Plan Dalet’ to drive Palestinians from their homeland.

A horrific massacre was carried out by the Irgun gang in the village of Deir Yassin where 107 unarmed men, women, and children were murdered in cold blood on April 9, 1948.  Other massacres were perpetrated by Haganah and Palmach troops.

Over 500 Palestinian villages were occupied and depopulated.  More than 700,000 Palestinians were forced to flee for their lives in the onslaught.  The armies of five Arab countries intervened to stop the rampage of Zionist forces and were defeated.  By the end of 1948, a terrible Nakba, or catastrophe, befell the Palestinian people as 78% of historic Palestine was lost.

Israel’s expansionist machinations did not stop there.

David Ben Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister unleased the Haganah and Mossad in 1950 to conduct a covert terrorist bombing campaign against Iraqi Jews in order to induce the Jewish community living in Iraq to flee to Israel.

In another infamous act of terrorism, the Palestinian village of Qibya was attacked by Israeli troops who murdered 69 defenseless men, women, and children on October 14, 1953.  Leading the attack was Ariel Sharon.

In 1956, Israel, supported by the British and the French, attacked Egypt after Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez canal.  The assailants were forced to cease their attack by an irate President Eisenhower, who vehemently opposed the operation.  It was the last time an American president stood up to Israel and the American Zionist lobby.

In 1967, Israel attacked Egypt, Jordan, and Syria in a six-day war that brought defeat and humiliation to Arab armies. Israel conquered the remaining 22% of Palestine, Syria’s Golan Heights, and Egypt’s Sinai desert.  Israel annexed the Golan Heights in 1981 and returned the Sinai to Egypt as the result of the Camp David Accords of 1978.

During the war Israel attacked the USS Liberty in international waters near the Sinai, killing 34 American crew members and wounding 171 others.  Israel was never held accountable for the attack.

Immediately after the war, Israel launched a settler movement in the newly occupied territories that involved construction of huge Jewish only settlement blocks and bypass roads connecting the colonies.  A massive separation wall was constructed on Palestinian land in 2002.  Approximately 622,670 settlers live in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem as of 2019, rendering proposals for a two-state solution void of any viable meaning.

In 1972, Israel began an ongoing program of assassinating Palestinian leaders.  The extra-judicial executions are part of a terror campaign that included the murder of Yasir Arafat and Khalid al-Wazir of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Wadie Haddad and Abu Ali Mustafa of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and Kamel Nasser, a Palestinian Christian poet.  Israel assassinated the founder of Hamas, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and his successor, Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi.  The Mossad tried and failed to kill Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal in 1997.

In 1973, Egypt and Syria went to war against Israel to recapture land lost in 1967 and were defeated.  Both superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union went on nuclear high alert during the conflict.  The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries slapped an oil embargo on the United States as punishment for its support of Israel during the war.

In 1978, Israel invaded South Lebanon in the “Litani River Operation” to drive PLO fighters away from its southern border.  Between 1,100 and 2,000 Lebanese and Palestinians were killed and 250,000 displaced by the invasion.

In 1979, Benjamin Netanyahu organized the Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism.  At the conference, Netanyahu, a disciple of Irgun and Stern terrorists Began and Shamir, announced a “war on terror” by which he meant a war on Palestinian resistance fighters who would henceforth be criminalized as “terrorists” justifying preemptive military strikes, assassinations, home demolitions, preventive detention, torture, and suspension of civil and human rights.  Known as the “Likud Doctrine”, the “war on terror” would be adopted as the “Bush Doctrine” after 9/11 by neoconservative allies of Israel.

In 1981, Israel bombed a nuclear facility in Iraq.  The attack was supported in Congress by Joe Biden who called himself “Israel’s best Catholic friend.”

In 1982, the Israelis invaded Lebanon, leading to an occupation that continued until their army was driven out by Lebanese resistance fighters led by Hezbollah in 2000.  An estimated 17,825 Lebanese, Syrians, and Palestinians were killed and 30,203 were wounded during the invasion.  In one horrifying incident, Israeli troops commanded by Ariel Sharon surrounded the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila near Beirut allowing right-wing Christian Phalange militias to enter the camps and massacre 3,500 Palestinian civilians.  Photographs of the carnage shocked the world, revealing Israel’s responsibility for the savage crime.

On December 9, 1987, Palestinians revolted against brutal conditions spawned by twenty years of military occupation.  The first Palestinian Intifada was met with brutal repression.  Israel’s military was ordered to shoot protesters, deliberately break the bones of captured Palestinians with batons and rocks, routinely torture prisoners in Israeli jails, abduct and torture children, and demolish homes.

One of the most notorious massacres of Palestinians was perpetrated by an Israeli settler, Baruch Goldstein on February 26, 1996 in Hebron.  Goldstein, an American physician from Brooklyn, New York, walked into the Ibrahimi Mosque and shot 29 Palestinian men and boys to death.  He wounded another 125 Muslims worshipers during the rampage.  Goldstein was a member of the Jewish Defense League, a para-military organization founded by the fascistic Rabbi Meir Kahane.  The city of Hebron remains on military lock down to this day as a handful of Jewish settlers terrorize the Palestinian population.

The Jewish fundamentalist settler movement comprises ultra-nationalist groups such as Gush Emunim founded by Rabbi Moshe Levinger, an unapologetic Arab killer, who believe it is their duty to “redeem,” meaning steal, the “Promised Land” for “God’s Chosen People.”  Gush is one of the most violent settler groups in the West Bank.  The history of armed settler violence is extreme.  Settlers routinely gun down Palestinians, firebomb their homes, cut down their olive and citrus trees, some over 100 years old and considered sacred, and steal Palestinian land.

On April 18, 1996, Israeli troops shelled a United Nations compound in Southern Lebanon killing 106 Lebanese civilians, half of whom were children.  The dead were among 800 civilians who took shelter from an Israeli bombardment of their towns and villages.  The Qana massacre was ordered by Prime Minister Shimon Peres, who accused Hezbollah of using civilians as human shields, a persistent Israeli lie meant to excuse the murder of civilians.

On September 28, 2000, Ariel Sharon provoked a massive revolt by invading the Haram al-Sharif compound which houses Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, surrounded by hundreds of armed police.  The Al-Aqsa Intifada was the second Palestinian uprising fought to win freedom from Israel’s malicious occupation.

In 2002, Ariel Sharon waged war to destroy the Oslo peace process, obliterate the Palestinian Authority, and crush the Al-Aqsa Intifada in the West Bank and Gaza.  The Israeli military targeted Palestinian security forces and conducted massacres in Bethlehem, Nablus, Ramallah, and Jenin refugee camp.  The atrocities were supported by George W. Bush.

In 2003, right-wing pro-Israel neoconservative zealots in Washington carried out their plans for war in Iraq by decimated an independent Arab nation supportive of Palestinian independence as part of a fraudulent “War on Terrorism.” The fragmentation of Iraq was supervised by U.S. viceroy Paul Bremmer, whose directives followed the blueprint advocated in the Yinon thesis, a policy document that advocated the breakup of Arab countries posing a threat to Israeli hegemony.  Over one million Iraqis died as the result of the U.S. destruction of Iraq.  The dirty war in Syria is the latest application of the Yinon thesis.

In 2003, Rachel Corrie, a young American peace activist was deliberately crushed to death by an Israeli army bulldozer as she tried to block the demolition of a Palestinian home in Gaza.  Rachel belonged to the International Solidarity Movement, a pacifist organization that opposes the occupation of Palestine.  Another youthful ISM peace activist from Britain, Thomas Hurndall, was shot to death by an Israeli sniper as he tried to escort Palestinian children to safety during an Israeli siege in Gaza.

On July 12, 2006, Israel launched a war against Hezbollah that involved the terror bombing of Southern Lebanon and Beirut, causing 1,109 deaths, 4,399 injuries, and 1 million displaced persons with devastating damage to buildings, homes and infrastructure, an Israeli specialty.

With the victory of Hamas in Palestinian national elections held in 2006, Israel imposed a near-starvation blockage on Gaza in 2007, blocking land, sea, and air transportation to the coastal enclave.  Gaza, with a population of 2 million Palestinians, 45% of whom are under the age of 14 years, is the largest open-air prison in the world.  It is also the poorest, with its inhabitants facing hunger and darkness. The blockade was imposed after the United States attempted to provoke a Palestinian civil war between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority.  In the fighting, Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip and the PA exerted authority on behalf of Israel over enclaves in the West Bank.

Not content with starving and humiliating the people of Gaza, Israel launched a series of military campaigns designed to annihilate resistance in the strip.

Operation Cast Led in 2008/09,

Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012, and

Operation Protective Edge in 2014

All of which were genocidal attacks on a captive population conducted under the pretext of fighting Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.  Thousands of Palestinians were killed, injured, crippled, disfigured, and driven from their homes.  The infrastructure of Gaza was destroyed and its people only survived because of an elaborate tunnel system built by Hamas that supplemented the small amount of aid allowed into the strip.  Egypt’s dictatorial President Sisi attempted to flood the tunnel system at Israel’s behest in 2015.

In 2011, Israel began relentlessly bombing Syria acting as a jihadist air force in the U.S. dirty war against the Assad government.  Israel has also provided medical treatment for jihadist fighters.

In 2018, Palestinians launched the “Great March of Return” to reclaim land stolen from them in 1948 and 1967 and to demand an end to the siege in Gaza.  Israel brutally repressed peaceful demonstrators by murdering 267 Palestinians and injuring 20,000 to 30,000 others.  Some protesters are crippled for life.  Others had limbs amputated.  The Gandhian approach to civil disobedience can only work if an oppressor has a moral conscience.  Israel has none.

In 2021, Israeli operatives killed Iran’s top nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.  Israel fears that its nuclear monopoly would be broken if Iran developed the capacity to produce nuclear weapons, neutralizing its ability to attack Arab and Muslim countries at will.

Israel’s murderous past proved to be an ominous prelude to what lie ahead.

In May 2021, Israel escalated ethnic cleansing of Palestinians living in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem, sent its police into the Al-Aqsa Mosque to smash Muslims who protested the evictions of families from their homes, perpetrated genocidal bombings of Gaza in response to rockets fired by Hamas protesting the Al-Aqsa assault, and unleased rabid mobs of right-wing Jewish extremists and armed settlers against Palestinians living in Israeli cities.

Israel committed atrocities by bombing Gaza’s civilian population and destroying infrastructure needed to sustain life. To hide its crimes, Israel bombed Al Jazeera and Associated Press media outlets in Gaza, and declared the strip a “closed military zone” off limits to journalists.  The deliberate destruction of Gaza’s farms and infrastructure precipitated a humanitarian crisis as residents are without water, electricity, sanitation, adequate food, and medicine.

Entire families were eradicated in Gaza by Israeli air strikes.  Dozens of men, women, and children have been buried alive under the rubble of collapsed apartment buildings.

Imposing a starvation blockade and bombing a defenseless population are crimes against humanity and war crimes. The attacks are savage and sadistic.  Israel’s strategic aim is to cripple Hamas and make Gaza uninhabitable. Inflicting collective punishment on a captive population is genocide.

Israel’s war on the Palestinian people is abetted by the United States.  Joe Biden’s late calls for a “cease fire” were a rhetorical deception meant to provide Israel with an opportunity to attack Hamas and punish the people of Gaza.

During the Israeli bombardment, 265 Palestinians were murdered in Gaza, including 63 children.  Over 72,000 Gazans have been displaced from their homes.  Israeli occupation forces shot 10 Palestinian protesters dead in the West Bank.  In Israel, 12 Israelis and 2 migrant workers were killed by Hamas missiles.

Palestinians have responded with protest marches and a general strike across the West Bank, Israeli cities, and the Gaza Strip unifying resistance to occupation.  Massive pro-Palestinian solidarity protests have taken place in Australia, Bangladesh, Britain, Canada, Chile, France, Jordan, Italy, Germany, Kenya, Morocco, New Zealand, Sudan, South Africa, Switzerland, Pakistan, Tunisia, Turkey, and beyond.

In the United States, protesters took to the streets of Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Dearborn, Des Moines, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington in solidarity with Palestine.

The message is clear.  Millions of people are disgusted by the racist brutality of the Israeli terror state and angrily demand “freedom for Palestine.”

The butchers who run the terror state of Israel and their enablers in Washington have isolated themselves around the world.  The U.S. empire is unsustainable.  The cost in lives and treasure is too great to endure.  Its people will no longer tolerate endless wars, particularly in the Middle East.

In an unprecedented move, members of Congress led by Bernie Sanders are questioning military aid to Israel considering the assault on Gaza.  Minnesota representative Betty McCollum introduced a bill designed to restrict military aid to Israel used to violate Palestinian human rights in April 2021, a month prior to the latest Zionist atrocities.

Israel is wedded to imperialism. When America’s empire is finally compelled to stop supporting the apartheid state, Israel will suffer an existential catastrophe, because it has no other friends in the world.

The Zionist project in Israel is a chronicle of relentless barbarity and deceit.  Zionism’s core ideology is racist and genocidal.  The Zionist state is an apartheid state, a pariah state, a terror state.  It is condemned by its own heinous philosophy to provoke contempt and revulsion. The apartheid terror state will not survive the historical reckoning that awaits it.

Source https://www.globalresearch.ca/israel-profile-terror-state/5745960 

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