Wednesday, April 14, 2021




The Pharisaic Roots of Judaism A.D.

David Martin | The Daily Knight

Talmudic Jews at Metlife Stadium (BBC)

While many today profess Judaism as a religion of God, it’s important to point out that the Judaism of today is not connected with the Judaism of the Old Testament. As with Islam, today’s Judaism rejects Christ as the Messiah, thereby testifying to its rejection of the Old Testament teachings, since the whole point of the Old Testament was to honor and look forward to the coming of the Messiah. There was nothing in the Old Testament books that said, “Let us reject the Messiah when he comes.”

This was the resolution of the Pharisees and apostate Jews who had left the Jewish religion for the worship of false gods and devils. The Pharisees were no longer of the Jewish Faith, and while they carried on their rebellion in the name of ‘God their Father,’ Jesus set the record straight concerning their father when he told the Jews, “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him.” (John 8:44)

The true Jews were the Apostles and friends of Christ who walked with him into the New Testament and who honored his Resurrection, but the Pharisees who rejected the Resurrection were not of God, and accordingly, not of the Jewish religion. Their identifying themselves with Moses and Abraham was only a pretext to cover their sin.

It was these Jewish apostates that established the Judaism that we know today. The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia states: "The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees."

The spoken tradition of the Pharisees was the Oral Torah, which expressed their murmurings against the Christ. The written form of the Pharisaic tradition is the Babylonian Talmud, which hurls the most hateful and pornographic insults against Jesus Christ, even condemning him to Hell to boil in his own excrement for proving that he was the Son of God. The 1 Talmud, completed around 380 AD, is the highest authority of Judaism A.D. and forms the foundation of the Mishnah.

Judaism a Dead Religion

While there are good Jews who reject the Talmud and who identify more with Old Testament teachings, they need to understand that the Judaism of the Old Testament is a dead religion. Judaism does not exist today, and cannot exist, no more than a seed can exist once it becomes a tree. The seed of Judaism grew into Christianity so that what exists today is not Judaism but the legacy of the Pharisees and chief priests who murdered Christ out of envy. (Mark 15:10)

This is not to suggest that all Semitic peoples are against the Messiah, since there are many good Jewish people who are open to Christ and to the idea of conversion to the Catholic Faith, but they won’t confess Christ openly “for fear of the Jews.” The elders of the synagogue lord it over them and threaten them if they defend Christ, so the Catholic Church should double down on its duty to convert Jews to the Faith and to remind them that without conversion they cannot be saved.

St. Paul repeatedly tells the Jews that by the works of the Jewish law they cannot be justified. “By the works of the law no flesh shall be justified before him … For we account a man to be justified by faith [in Christ], without the works of the law.” (Romans 3:20, 28)

Modernist Arguments

Modernists will retort by saying that the Jews are “God’s chosen people” and are therefore exempt from any need to convert to Christ, but they err miserably in saying this. The Jews are not special and need conversion like anyone else.

The loyal Jews of the Old Testament indeed were God’s chosen people but these elect merely prefigured the chosen people of the New Testament, i.e. the loyal Catholics. In every which way the Old Testament religion was a figure of the New Testament religion to come. For instance, the prophetic references to “Israel,” “my vineyard,” or “my holy mountain” prefigured the One True Church to be established Under Peter. The waters that miraculously issued forth from the Rock of Horeb (Exodus 17:6) prefigured how the pure waters of holy tradition would issue forth from the Rock of Peter – the Papacy.

Modernists against the conversion of Jews argue that a December 2015 Vatican document signed by Pope Francis states that "the Catholic Church neither conducts nor supports any specific institutional mission work directed towards Jews," but this document works against the Jews. The Church’s mission from Christ is to pastorally reach out and extend the knowledge of God to Jews and to all peoples that they may leave their ideologies and convert to the Faith. Refusing to extend to Jews the divine invitation to partake in the Lord’s Banquet (Eucharist) is reminiscent of how the Nazis refused to let the Jews eat at their table but told them to stay in their own prison camp and starve.

Errant theologians argue that the 2015 Vatican document builds on the Vatican II document “Nostra Aetate” that redefined Vatican ties with Judaism and that rejected the concept of collective Jewish guilt 2 for the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, but Nostra Aetate was written by the notorious ex-priest Gregory Baum who from 1964 to his death was living an active homosexual life.

Moreover, Nostra Aetate was drafted under the supervision of the infamous Cardinal Augustin Bea, a key member of the notorious “Rhine group” at Vatican II who undermined the Council by commissioning Protestant ministers to have a hand in drafting several conciliar documents.


In short, Nostra Aetate is perfidious and heretical and should never be read by the Catholic faithful. It pacifies Jews concerning what their fathers did to Christ, which in turn fosters support for their murderous doings. It truly bears the fingerprints of Judas.


Unfortunately, Nostra Aetate was influenced by the Jewish synagogue, which is perhaps the most anti-Semitic organization on earth, since it works against the welfare of the Semitic people by teaching them to grudge against the Christ. As in Christ’s time, it seeks to withhold the kingdom of God from the Jews.

Charity commands that we encourage Jews and all people to love and know Christ, so in true charity the Church should counsel Jewish people to disavow their forefathers and their synagogue and to pledge allegiance to Christ their Maker, for whom they were made.

Some will argue that Jews are still waiting for the coming of the Messiah, but their wait is vain. If they don’t recognize the Messiah whom their forefathers hung on the cross they certainly won’t recognize him when he comes again. There exists only one Messiah so they have their chance now to recognize the One Messiah of history, Jesus Christ, and to remember his words:

“No man comes to the Father, but by me.“ (John 14: 6)

During this Easter season we pray that Jews and all people can resurrect from the sepulcher of darkness and error that would prevent them from recognizing Christ as their God and Redeemer who alone can reward them with eternal bliss.

Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021


1. The same is the foundation of modern-day anarchist movements like the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia (1917) that was funded by Talmudist Jacob Schiff of the Rothschilds banking dynasty in New York.

2. Not only were the Jews collectively guilty for the Crucifixion of Christ but they continue to crucify him by their continued insistence that he is not the Messiah. SOURCE:

Saturday, April 10, 2021





FIRST ............

Church Reasons to Condemn the
Divine Mercy Devotion

Msgr. Patrick Perez
Several readers have addressed questions to TIA asking orientation about the Divine Mercy devotion. Since we knew Msgr. Perez had addressed the topic some months ago, we invited him to write an article about it for our website. Since he is busy with many pastoral duties and unable to write, he sent us both the tape and text of that sermon (April 21, 2013) for us to edit and post at our convenience.

We transferred its spoken language to written language and inserted title and subtitles. Although it is a long article, we thought it would be better to offer it to our readers in a single piece, rather than to break it into several articles.  TIA

My dear faithful, today I want to say a few words about the Divine Mercy devotion. I receive many questions about this subject every year and now I want to address the topic. As a source reference I am using principally an issue of The Angelus magazine (June 2010). This research comes from Fr. Peter Scott. Since he provided most of what I needed for this talk, ‘birettas off’ to Fr. Scott.

The Divine Mercy devotion was re-launched by John Paul II. During his long pontificate he established a feast day in honor of this devotion. During his homily at the canonization of Sr. Faustina on April 30, 2000, he declared that the Second Sunday of Easter would henceforth be called Divine Mercy Sunday.

Consequently, every year on the Sunday following Easter, which is called Low Sunday - in Latin it is called Dominica in Albis, Sunday in White - I am asked this question, “Father, why don't we celebrate the Divine Mercy Sunday?”

The image of the Divine Mercy devotion

A typical Divine Mercy image remindful of a whirling dervish

Now, the easy answer would be, “We don't do it because it's not in the traditional calendar.” But, then, the feast of Padre Pio also is not in the traditional calendar, but we celebrate it. We do it as prescribed in the Common of the Missal, which allows us to honor recently canonized saints. So, the question returns: Why don’t we celebrate the Divine Mercy Sunday?

I have analyzed the prayers of the Divine Mercy devotion and found nothing wrong with them. But there is something wrong with what surrounds this new devotion.

Let me acknowledge that there are persons, possibly even some persons here, who have received graces from doing the Divine Mercy devotion. That is not an indication that the devotion itself is necessarily from Heaven.

Remember God always answers our prayers. You always receive some grace by your prayers. For example, let’s imagine you made a pilgrimage to visit the burial place of a saint. You made the pilgrimage and thought you were kneeling at the correct grave venerating that saint. In fact, however, he was not buried in that cemetery, but in a church nearby. Nonetheless, God gives you graces because of your effort and your desire to please Him and make reparation for your sins.

You made that pilgrimage; you will not leave it without grace. God does not take a position like, “Well, you're at the wrong grave. Sorry, you travelled 6,000 miles for nothing and now you receive nothing.” No, God will always answer your prayers. So, please, remember when you hear people say, “Well, I have received graces from this devotion.” This in itself is not an indication that the devotion is from Heaven. Certainly the graces are always from Heaven. But the devotion may not be.

Condemnations of this devotion

What is wrong with the Divine Mercy devotion?

First, when this devotion fell under the attention of Pius XII, he was concerned not with the prayers of the devotion, but with the circumstances of the so-called apparitions to Sr. Faustina and their content. That is, he was concerned with what Our Lord supposedly told Sr. Faustina and what he told her to make public.

Pius XII, then, placed this devotion, including the apparitions and the writings of Sr. Faustina on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum (Index of Prohibited Books). That list no longer exists, since it was formally abolished on June 14, 1966, by Paul VI. On the one hand, it is unfortunate that it no longer exists. But, on the other hand, if that list were to exist today it would be so vast that it would fill this room. Practically everything that is written today has something objectionable to the Catholic Faith.

John Paul II endorses the divine Mercy devotion

JPII supported the thrice-condemned devotion

So, Pius XII put the writings of Sr. Faustina on the Index of Prohibited Books. That meant that he considered that their content would lead Catholics astray or in the wrong direction.

Next, came other prohibitions made by Pope John XXIII. Twice in his pontificate, the Holy Office issued condemnations of the Divine Mercy writings.

Today the Holy Office is called Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. But before it was called the Holy Office of the Inquisition. Its name has changed over several years.

This Office - placed under the direct control of the Pope - is responsible for maintaining the purity of the doctrine and, therefore, it watches over the dissemination of different documents in the Church.

If the Pope wants to correct the faithful on a particular topic, he usually does this through the Holy Office. So, the proclamations, declarations and documents issued by the Holy Office may be seen as coming from the Pope himself.

Not once, but twice under Pope John XXIII, this particular devotion was condemned through the Holy Office. The first condemnation was in a plenary meeting held on November 19, 1958. The declaration from the Holy Office issued these three statements about this devotion:

1. There is no evidence of the supernatural origin of these revelations. This means that the members of the Holy Office examined the content and decided that there was nothing there to indicate the apparitions were supernatural. In an authentic apparition - Our Lady of Lourdes or Our Lady of Fatima, for example - you can look at the content and affirm it can not be definitively said they are of divine origin, but there is enough evidence to say that it is possibly so. On the other hand, in the Divine Mercy apparitions, they said definitively that there is no evidence whatsoever that they are supernatural. This translates, “We do not think that these apparitions come from God.”

2. No feast of Divine Mercy should be instituted. Why? Because if it is based on apparitions that are not clearly coming from God, then it would be rash and temerarious to institute a feast in the Church based on something that is a false apparition.

3. It is forbidden to disseminate writings propagating this devotion under the form received by Sr. Faustina, as well as the image typical of it. So, it was forbidden to even publish the image of Our Lord as Divine Mercy.

Now, you have all seen this image, even if in passing, and you would know and recognize it. It shows a strange picture of Jesus that makes me uneasy. I cannot really tell you why. I do not like it. I don't like the face, I don't like the gesture, I don't like the posture, I don't like anything. This was my first impression of this image. I don't want it around because it is, for lack of a better term, creepy to me when I look at it.

The image shows multicolored rays, I think they are red, white and blue, coming from His chest region - no heart, just these rays. You have all seen this. Well, that was the image that was forbidden to be published or spread.

On March 6, 1959, the Holy Office issued a second decree on the order of Pope John XXIII. It forbade, once again, spreading the images of Divine Mercy and the writings of Sr. Faustina propagating this devotion. It also stated that it was up to the bishops to decide how they were going to remove the images that had already been displayed for public honor.

I do not need to say much more about these declarations. Two Popes strongly warned the faithful of a danger in this devotion. Pius XII put it on the Index; John XXIII issued two condemnations through the Holy Office about the spiritual danger this devotion presented to the faithful. Not much more needs to be said on that.

Principal error: It presents an unconditional mercy

Let me present you with a parallel thought.

Our Lord with a halo displaying His Sacred Heart

Above, a majestic Jesus with the halo of divinity and a well-defined Sacred Heart gives a clear blessing; below, a worker-like Jesus without the proper halo or a heart makes a gesture more like a "hello" than a blessing

A halo-less Jesus with no heart gives off the rays of the divine mercy devotion
Consider the true image of Christ Our Savior. Probably the most symbolically rich and accurate representation of Him, besides the Crucifix, is the image of the Sacred Heart, because the image of Our Lord with the Sacred Heart summarizes the whole theology of Redemption.

They pierced His Hands, His Feet and His Sacred Heart; the crown of thorns encircles the Heart, which burns with love for man. This was the price He paid, the sacrifice He made for our redemption. He offered Himself because of His burning love for us despite the fact we are ungrateful creatures who rebelled against our Creator. Think about it. He created us and then we nailed Him to a cross even though He was God and completely innocent of any guilt. So, the Sacred Heart encapsulates all this.

In the images of the Sacred Heart, He points to this symbolic font of love and mercy for us. The devotions to the Sacred Heart always suppose reparation for our sins. We are sinners, we must make reparation. Despite the promises from Our Lord and the fact that He paid an infinite price for our Redemption, we must make reparation. We should always do penance for our sins and make various kinds of reparation.

Now, consider the image of Our Lord representing the Divine Mercy. It is an imitation of the Sacred Heart without the heart. When you pay attention, you notice that in the image there is no heart. There are simply rays coming out of a point above His waist. This symbolizes the error of the Divine Mercy devotion. It preaches that we can expect an unconditional mercy with no price to be paid whatsoever, with no obligations whatsoever. This is not the message of Christ.

Christ is merciful. Time and time again, His mercy pardons our repeated sins in the Sacrament of Penance, always taking us back no matter how bad our sins are. And what happens in the Sacrament of Penance? The very name of the Sacrament tells us exactly what happens: to be effective the Sacrament supposes penance. Not only are you there at the Sacrament recognizing your full submission to the Church and your dependence on the Sacraments for forgiveness, but you walk out of the confessional with an imposed penance.

You are also often reminded from this pulpit that you must not only fulfill that penance, but you must continually do penance, your own penance. You don't just say a decade of the Rosary and say, “Well, I've done my penance. Now, I can go merrily on my way.” You must always have the spirit of penance for your past sins; you must live with it.

The central error of the Divine Mercy is that it promises lots of spiritual rewards with no requirement of penance, no mention of reparation, no mention of any condition.

Unfortunately, this corresponds very much with what Pope John Paul II wrote in the Encyclical Dives in misericordia. I do not recommend reading it to any of you, except the most prepared, because it has many misleading things. It re-echoes this mercy with no price, gifts from heaven with no requirements, God's mercy with no mention of penance or reparation for sin whatsoever.

Anticipating that encyclical Pope John Paul II already in 1978, the very first year of his pontificate, set in motion the canonization of Sr. Faustina and the institution of a Divine Mercy Sunday feast. As I said before, both Sr. Faustina’s writings and the very idea of having a Divine Mercy feast day had been prohibited and condemned by two previous Popes.

Presumption in Sr. Faustina’s writings

The writings of the Polish Sr. Faustina herself, published in English in 2007, pose cause for concern. The work has 640 pages and transcribes frequent supposed apparitions and messages from Our Lord.

Faustina, John Paul II, and the divine Mercy devotion

A new "save-yourself-without-effort" devotion

This long thread of statements supposedly from Our Lord to Sr. Faustina has some things that would make a correct-thinking Catholic very uneasy, to say the least. I will exemplify by taking a few quotes from her writings.

On October 2, 1936, she states that the “Lord Jesus” appeared to her and said, “Now, I know that it is not for the graces or gifts that you love Me, but because My Will is dearer to you than life. That is why I am uniting Myself with you so intimately as with no other creature.” (Divine Mercy in My Soul, The Diary of Sr. Faustina, Stockbridge, MA: Marian Press, 1987, p. 288)

How can we believe that Our Lord has united Himself more intimately with Sr. Faustina than with the Blessed Virgin Mary? At first, we might read this and think, “Oh, that's beautiful.“ But later it may hit you, “Wait a minute, Our Lord united Himself more intimately with Sr. Faustina than with any other creature? Our Lady was the Immaculate Conception, but she was also His creature, she was created by Him as the rest of us were, albeit with the greatest exalted position free from original sin from the very beginning.”

And now are we expected to believe that Our Lord told Sr. Faustina that He is more united to her than anybody else, even the Blessed Virgin Mary, and certainly more than all the other Saints? This affirmation smacks of pride in itself, let alone the assertion that it came from Heaven.

This type of presumption is present in many other cases.

Our Lord supposedly addressed Sr. Faustina on May 23, 1937, with these words: “Beloved pearl of My Heart.” What bothers me about this is that it is pure saccharin. Look how Our Lady speaks to Sr. Lucia or to St. Bernadette. It is not as “beloved pearl of My Heart.” It is impossible to imagine Our Lord stooping to saccharin language. Our Lord is Christ the King, Creator of the universe, and ruler of all that is. He does not say things like “beloved pearl of My Heart.”

Let me continue. Then, He said: “I see your love so pure; purer than that of the angels, and all the more so because you keep fighting. For your sake, I bless the world.” (ibid., p. 400) First of all, except for the Blessed Virgin Mary, we are not free from original sin and, therefore, we are not capable of a love purer than the angels.

Nazi soldiers march on Warsaw

Nazi soldiers invaded Poland after Sr. Faustina announced a blessed world - above, they are marching on Warsaw

As for blessing the world, that might be fine. If we had one real saint in the world, then the Lord will give us blessings for that one real saint. This is not my objection.

My objection is that this revelation was in 1937; the world was on the verge of World War II, which Sr. Lucy had already been forewarned of by Our Lady at Fatima: if Russia is not consecrated, and man does not convert, then this big disaster will befall mankind for their evil ways and their sins.

At that moment, we were about to see that disaster descend from Heaven, yet Our Lord tells Sr. Faustina, “For your sake, I am going to bless the world.” Was World War II a blessing on the world? Since her native Poland did not go unscathed by the German invasion, it does not seem likely that He actually blessed the world.

Another example: Sr. Faustina claimed that Our Lord told her that she was exempt from judgment, every judgment - particular judgment and the general judgment. On February 4, 1935, she already claimed to hear this voice in her soul, “From today on, do not fear God’s judgment, for you will not be judged.” (ibid., p. 168)

Now, nobody but the Blessed Virgin, as far as I know, is free from the general and particular judgment. St. Thomas Aquinas, according to the pious story, had to genuflect in Purgatory before going to Heaven. I don’t know if this is fact, but it is a lesson for us that nobody is exempt from any kind of judgment.

And add to these examples the preposterous affirmation that the Host jumped out of the Tabernacle three times and placed itself in her hands, so that she had to open up the Tabernacle and place it back herself: “And the host came out of the Tabernacle and came to rest in my hands and I, with joy, placed it back in the Tabernacle. This was repeated a second time, and I did the same thing. Despite this, it happened a third time.” (ibid., p. 23) It makes it sound like a hamster that has gotten out of its cage. “Oh, no, here it is again. I have to go put this back now.”

How many times has the Church declared that the hands of a priest are consecrated to handle the Sacred Species, and what kind of lesson would you be giving to the world by this example of the Host leaping into her hands so that she had to place it back in the Tabernacle herself?

Our Lord does not contradict His Church by word or by gesture. And this would be a little bit by both. She related what happened, but the gesture itself would be Our Lord contradicting the Real Presence and everything it represents.

A lack of Catholic spirit

In short, the whole Divine Mercy devotion does not represent a Catholic spirit. The Catholic spirit is one of making constant reparation in penance for our sins, of praying for the graces of God, for the mercy of God in this life.

Let me close by saying that it is the background of this devotion that is questionable. You do not just institute a particular devotion with its own feast day based on something that has been condemned for very good reasons in the recent past.

When you look at the prayers of the Divine Mercy devotions, they are perfectly orthodox. There is nothing heretical or presumptuous in these prayers. But just remember the reason why it has been condemned and why we do not recognize Divine Mercy Sunday is because of its past, not because of the content of the prayers.

It is very important to know this, because it is one of many things that were brought back in modern times that were condemned in the past. And this is not a case of the Church changing her mind. It is a case of a representative of the Church doing

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THE ONE CHURCH ESTABLISHED BY CHRIST: Does it "subsist in" or "is it" the Catholic Church