Monday, January 25, 2021






The Jewish Peril

For this reason, behold, I am sending to you prophets, and wise men, and doctors, and of them you will kill and crucify, and you will scourge in your synagogues and persecute them from city to city. So that all the innocent blood may come upon you, from the blood of just Abel to the blood of Zacharias, the son of Barachias, whom you killed between the temple and the altar . ( Matthew, 23, 24-35 )

Poor Jews! You brought a terrible curse on your heads by saying: "His blood falls on us and on our children" and that curse, wretched race, you carry it until today, and at the End of Times you will receive the punishment of that innocent blood . Oh my Jesus! ... I will not be stubborn like the Jews. I will love you, forever, forever, forever ! ( San Alfonso María de Liguorio )

(External link: RECOMMENDED )







 The great ideal of Judaism is not that one day all Jews gather in one corner of the world to separate, but that the whole world be imbued with Jewish teachings, and then in a universal brotherhood of nations - actually a diffuse Judaism - all separate races and religions disappear  (Vladimir Rabinovich (a) Rabi ) .

" And if the ministry of death, carved in letters on stones, was glorious to not to look the Israelites to the face of Moses because of the glow was a passenger, how much more glorious will the ministry of the spirit! If, then, the ministry of condemnation was glorious, how much the ministry of justice will surpass it in glory! Moreover, what was glorious in this ministry in this respect does not even deserve to be taken into account compared to the supereminent glory "(II Cor 3,7 ff.)

How right Saint Pius X was in calling modernism a " synthesis of all heresies "!  In the words of that holy pontiff, " if someone had proposed to concentrate the juice and blood of all the errors that have been expressed up to this day about the faith, he could not have really done it better than as the modernists did " . So much so that, although it is easy to trace the immediate antecedents of modernism in agnosticism with a Kantian matrix, or in rationalism, or even in philosophical vitalism and the exaltation of the  élan vital, It is much less obvious at first glance to recognize the stimulus provided by the modernist theses to the tenuous embers of those old errors that, at their sole blow, surprisingly reignited to scorch the minds.

We do not know if Pope Sarto had in mind, in that alchemical concentration of all the errors that he was able to denounce in the  Pascendi ,  one of these remote underground heresies, today resurfaced in the way that conjurers remove rabbits from their galleys: that of the  Judaizers, the first that struck the Church and - according to some prophetic voices - the last that will make its appearance, in order to draw the baptized into the service of the "Other". That danger must have been especially virulent as to urge the convening of the first Council (as recorded in Acts chapter 15) and to impel Paul to publicly rebuke Peter for his ambiguities in the treatment of the question (Ga 2,11 H.H.). The apostles soon had to understand, despite their own nature and even their mental habits, that encouraging a Jewish reduction of Christianity amounts to changing the most at the least, and that this constitutes a very grave injury to the Redemption wrought only by Christ according to the mysterious designs of God. As they should no less have understood the real danger of Jewish infiltration

The Synagogue, from the outset, did not know other ways towards the Church than espionage and persecution, and the parallelism between that first Vicar who, repeating the triple denial of his Master, withdrew from his treatment continues to amaze. with the Gentiles "for fear of circumcision" (Ga 2, 12) and the most recent outpourings of that indecorous gingerbread with which the post-conciliar "popes" - possibly motivated by a poorly fought initial cowardice - already shamelessly entertained to rabbinical perfidy. It goes without saying that both cowardice followed very different paths: one towards the bitter cry of contrition, culminating at the end of life in testimony of blood, and the other elevated this time to a system, motor and nerve turn of the most indecent irenism,

Between the variation of the perennial doctrine crystallized in the  Nostra Aetate  (a variation paul-vi-wearing-the-pectoral-of-ephodunrecognizable to the common of the faithful, little exercised in the reflection of their own faith), between the  ephod  furtively dressed by Paul VI and the today frequent and ostentatious cession of our temples to Jews to celebrate "interreligious liturgies" or  the granting, in Catholic universities, of  honorary doctorates  to rabbisrepeat offenders in the atavistic contempt of his own for the Crucified, between one milestone and another, we say, the transition from crypto-Judaism to the most blatant and public syncretic contamination is noticed. And it is verified, in its tragic effects, how much the known aggressiveness of the Synagogue has converged to neutralize all presence of Christ in the world and, at the instigation of the modernist virus, what De Mattei calls the "de-Hellenization of Christianity", this it is the removal of the metaphysical foundations expressed in his theology and in scholastic philosophy, of Platonic and Aristotelian derivation. This last emptying must have greatly favored that disastrous transfer.

A sample button from Milan, where once that same Saint Ambrose shone who knew how to define the Synagogue as "a house of impiety, a receptacle of evils condemned by God": there the Judaizing riot of our days is graphically witnessed by Andrea Cavallieri who, responding to an invitation to visit a Ediciones Paulinas bookstore in his city, verifies that one of the two shop windows of the premises exhibits at least 50 (fifty) titles on the  Shoa.  "I do not give the name of the informant, to save him from the inquisitorial process that - inevitably at this time - hits those who defend Catholic orthodoxy" (See original  here ).

Paulina bookstore

Paulina bookstore

What is involved is the fatal advance of Talmudic spiritual colonialism in the face of the rout of the council shepherds. That same enemy who, once boasting of his exclusiveness - and despising the  Church's note of  catholicity - turned tactic, after a long and regrettable diaspora, and now is betting on Judaizing everything. The program was already laid out almost a hundred years ago by Vladimir Rabinovich (a) Rabi: “ the Jews are the only cosmopolitan people, and, as such, they must - and in fact do - act as a solvent of all races and nationalities. The great ideal of Judaism is not that one day all Jews gather in one corner of the world to separate, but that the whole world be imbued with Jewish teachings, and then in a universal brotherhood of nations-In reality a diffuse Judaism- all separate races and religions disappear. They go beyond. With their scientific and literary activities, with their supremacy in all sectors of public life, they are preparing to fuse thoughts and systems that are not Jewish or do not correspond to Jewish models . The Lord also rebukes them, as is well known: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who travel across land and sea to make a proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him a son of Gehenna twice more than you! " (Mt 23,14)

The "pontificate" of Francis, also in this, only deepens the path taken fifty years ago. The strenuous search for a diffuse «common denominator» with those of the Synagogue (call it the Old Alliance, ethical values, Semitic monotheism, etc.) may serve as a diplomatic ruse, as a momentary pipe (of opium) of peace, but it constitutes a grave affront to Truth. In these trades, the one who ultimately thrives is the Talmud. The "Church poor for the poor" (poor in the manifestation of worship, poor in ecclesiastical discipline, poor in coherence with the principles of faith, poor in vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, unable to encourage the slightest reason for credibility in who might feel called to conversion) and public and repeated adultery with the Sanhedritas, haeresis sceleratissima  wounded to death fifteen centuries ago: that of the  Ebionites,  promoters -among the Christians- of pauperism as well as the non-expiration of Jewish rites and laws. That's how amazing the persistence of error is, never completely defeated in this valley of sighs.

At this rate, the  menorah will  soon replace the crucifix on conciliar altars. And perhaps we will attend masses celebrated underground. (CA: We are already doing something similar, we practically lack temples to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice)


SOURCE: conciliar.html?fbclid=IwAR3lTagereMDcPKj2pfdVErRQ1J5yGNK1EMuqShKpLYFRPiCjP9Vp-qH6qU



THE ONE CHURCH ESTABLISHED BY CHRIST: Does it "subsist in" or "is it" the Catholic Church